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King Arthur edited this page May 20, 2019 · 1 revision


Color modifies the tint of the main texture (MainTexture * Color). The alpha value also controls the overall alpha of the material when used in the transparent version of the shader.


When set to 1 the main texture will be void of all color. If set to -1 the main texture will become more saturated in color. Desaturation is applied before Color so that color may be used more effectively.


The base texture used for the material. The transparent values are used for Alpha cutoff.

Normal Map

A texture used to fake bumps of dents in a material. modifies how many things react on the surface of the material including light, reflections, rim lighting, etc...

Normal Intensity

Controls the strength of the normal map. Pushes the normals away from a straight out orientation.

Alpha Mask

contributes to the cutoff or transparency of a material. The Alpha mask can be used to make things transparent that would otherwise be seen.

AO Map

An Ambient Occlusion (AO) map creates soft shadowing, as if the model was lit without a direct light source, like on a cloudy day.

AO Strength

Controls the darkness of the shadows created by the AO map

Alpha Cutoff

If the Alpha/Opacity of the main texture is below that of the alpha cutoff it will be made invisible.

Pan Speed

Pans the UV values based on the X and Y values inputted. This will rotate all effects as this modifies the base UV that all things derive texture positions from. Excludes things that do not use the UV for texture look up such as panosphere.

Detail Map

A second normal map which can be used to add finder detail to a material. This is blended with the primary normal map.

Detail Mask

Controls the strength of the detail map in specific locations (Detail Mask * Detal Map). Black = 0 White = 1

Detail Intensity

The strength of the detail map. Note: If the detail mask is 0 this will have no effect. (Detail normal * Detail Mask * Detail Intensity)

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