With thanks to Alejandro De La Vega for many contributions.
- ENH: Allow models without non-HRF variables (#55)
- ENH: Make dataset_description optional (#51)
- ENH: Loop over preproc files, instead of raw BOLD files (#50)
- ENH: Add --n-cpus option to CLI (#49)
- ENH: Run datasinks on main thread (#39)
- ENH: Enable derivative label to tag pipelines (#37)
- ENH: Make dataset description (#29)
- ENH: Add trivial dataset_description.json (#31)
- ENH: Run auto model by default (#26)
- ENH: Rewrite first level analysis as Nipype workflow (#16)
- ENH: Add acq, rec, run and echo to output patterns (#20)
- FIX: Second level contrast computation, and dense/sparse transformation issues (#48)
- FIX: Include run in derivative names (#43)
- FIX: Force string input to snake_to_camel (#41)
- FIX: Versioneer adjustments (#36)
- FIX: Create group level results dir (#22)
- RF: Simplify entry-points, restore preproc discovery (#38)
- MAINT: Update pybids 0.6.3, grabbit 0.2.1 (#52)
- MAINT: Manage version with versioneer (#35)
- MAINT: Neuroscout changes / pybids updates (#28)
- MAINT: Add nipype dependency, remove unused code (#27)