The radar_layer package is a costmap plugin for Nav2 Costmap 2d to turn radar tracks into data that can be used in a costmap. It is expected the radar track includes the object's centroid position, velocity, position covariance, velocity covariance, and planar size of the detected object. This package allows the cost to be placed into the costmap in two different ways:
This is the simplest method where a rectangle determined by the x and y size of the obstacle, is placed into the costmap as a lethal obstacle, around the obstacle's centroid. This placed lethal obstacle can then be inflated with the inflation layer for planning purposes
The cost is distributed as a 2D gaussian, where the centroid position is the highest cost and the cost surrounding the centroid decreases like a 2D normal distribution, based on the position covariance. To incorporate the size of the obstacle, the position covariance is extended when evaluating the probability density function as follows:
with probability density function
The algorithm used in this package is based on the following work:
- H. Guo, Z. Huang, Q. Ho, M. Ang, D. Rus Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments with Multi-Modal Perception Uncertainties. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021.
title={Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments with Multi-Modal Perception Uncertainties},
author={Hongliang Guo and Zefan Huang and Qiheng Ho and Marcelo Ang and Daniela Rus},
journal = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}
This costmap layer expects the radar tracks to be published in the ObstacleArray format defined by the navigation2_dynamic package
Parameter | Description |
enabled |
Whether it is enabled. |
combination_method |
Enum for method to add data to master costmap. Must be 0, 1 or 2, default to 1 |
observation_sources |
namespace of sources of data |
minimum_probability |
minimum probability to place in costmap |
number_of_time_steps |
number of time steps to propogate gaussian distribution of obstacle |
stamp_footprint |
Whether to use stamp footprint method or not |
sample_time |
sample time to propogate gaussian distribution of obstacle |
<data source>.topic |
Topic of data |
<data source>.datatype |
Datatype of topic |
<data source>.sensor_frame |
TF frame |
<data source>.qos_deadline_hz |
Sets the QOS deadline on your data source |
Example fully-described XML with default parameter values:
footprint: "[[-1.0,-0.3],[-1.0,0.3],[3.5,0.3],[3.5,-0.3]]"
footprint_padding: 0.0
transform_tolerance: 2.0
update_frequency: 20.0
publish_frequency: 10.0
global_frame: odom
robot_base_frame: base_link
width: 100
height: 100
origin_x: -50.0
origin_y: -50.0
resolution: 0.2
rolling_window: true
track_unknown_space: false
unknown_cost_value: 25
use_maximum: true
plugins: ["radar_layer"]
plugin: "radar_layer/RadarLayer"
enabled: True
number_of_time_steps: 10
sample_time: 0.1
minimum_probability: 0.15
observation_sources: "radar"
stamp_footprint: True
covariance_scaling_factor: 2.0
topic: /tracking
always_send_full_costmap: True