This project is focussed at classification of 0-9 handwritten digits using MNIST dataset, using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
- The training dataset contains 60,000 handwritten digit images, each of 28x28 pixels.
- File : train-images.idx3-ubyte
- The labels of these images are stored in seperate file
- File : train-labels.idx1-ubyte
- The test dataset contains 10,000 handwritten digit images, each of 28x28 pixels.
- File : t10k-images.idx3-ubyte
- The labels of these test images are stored in seperate file
- File : t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte
These files are already present in the repository, but can still be downloaded from here.
- 4-Layered Model
- 4 layers, with 300, 100, 30 and 10 nodes in it
- layers_dims = [784,300,100,30,10]
Various Parameters set while training the model
Parameter | Value |
learning rate | 0.075 |
epochs | 1000 |
Mini batch size | 128 |
- All hidden layers are applied with Relu Activation Function
$A = max(Z,0)$
- The last (output) layer is applied with Softmax Activation Function
$A_i = \dfrac{e^{z_i}}{\Sigma^K_{j=1}e^{z_j}}$ - Here K represents the number of node in that layer (10 here)
- Here,
$Z = W^TX + b$
- Cost-Function
Cost after 1000 epochs: 5.317678221962305e-08
BatchWise Accuracy
- Accuracy of Trained Model on Training Dataset : 1.0
- Accuracy of Trained Model on Test Dataset : 0.9712
Trained model can be found inside Results folder
a_file = open('Results/ANN_4/parameters.pkl','rb')
parameters = pk.load(a_file)
Run above lines of code to test on the already trained model
- 2-Conv-Layered Model
- Layer-1
- Convolution Layer
Parameter Value Input Dim 1 Output Dim 32 Kernel Size 5 Stride 1 Padding 0 - Pooling Layer
Parameter Value Kernel Size 2 Stride 2
- Convolution Layer
- Layer-2
- Convolution Layer
Parameter Value Input Dim 32 Output Dim 64 Kernel Size 5 Stride 1 Padding 0 - Pooling Layer
Parameter Value Kernel Size 2 Stride 2
- Convolution Layer
- Layer-1
Various Parameters set while training the model
Parameter | Value |
learning rate | 0.001 |
epochs | 5 |
Mini batch size | 100 |
- All hidden layers are applied with Relu Activation Function
$A = max(Z,0)$
- Adam Optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
- Cost-Function and Batch-wise Accuracy
Cost after 5 epochs: 0.0075
Accuracy of Trained Model on Training Dataset : 0.9957
Accuracy of Trained Model on Test Dataset : 0.9943
Trained model can be found inside Results folder
a_file = open('Results/CNN/conv_net_model.ckpt','rb')
model = torch.load(a_file)
Run above lines of code to test on the already trained model
- idx2numpy
- numpy
- pytorch
- matplotlib
- pickle