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Vue.js fontawesome icon rate component

It's easy to use Vue.js component for star rating!

  1. This package is fully customized (Shape, Color, Rate, ...).
  2. I used Vue font awesome.
  3. You can change your rating shape with free and open source font awesome project.


Install package

  1. Install with npm npm i vue-js-star-rating --save
  2. Install with yarn yarn add vue-js-star-rating --save

Code sample

After import and registering component in your Vue.js application:


import vueStarRate from "vue-js-star-rating";
export default {
  components: { vueStarRate }


Attribute Description Type Default
rateRange Number of active icon Number 3
maxIcon Number of icons Number 5
iconHeight Icon height Number 45
iconWidth Icon width Number 45
hasCounter Counter like 3 of 5 Boolean true
iconColor Color of icon String #f3d23e
iconColorHover Color of hover icon String #f3d23e
iconShape Shape of icon like star, heart, etc String star
ratingSet Event after click on icon Event null


When a star is clicked, an event is emitted called ratingSet. You can listen for this event to get the value of the rating.

    <vue-star-rate v-on:ratingSet="myRatingMethod"></vue-star-rate>

import vueStarRate from "vue-js-star-rating";
export default {
  components: { vueStarRate },
  methods: {
    myRatingMethod(rating) {
      console.log("The selected rating is " + rating);