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CREATE palette file format

Ilya V. Portnov edited this page Aug 22, 2016 · 2 revisions

For generic, free and standard(-ish) file format to store color palettes, it is suggested to use format developed in CREATE, with the following extensions:

  • To group colors, <group> tag can be used. Such tags can be nested.
  • To name the groups, a <label> tag can be used, similar to CREATE's suggestion for colors.
  • For colors which were defined by user (not automatically generated), <meta name="user_chosen">True</meta> tag is added into tag.

The following is a backup from old wiki at

Colour file format - Specification Draft


<colors xmlns:xlink="">
 <color name="blue">
    <label lang="en">Blue</label>
    <label lang="es">Azul</label>
    <label lang="en_US_SoCal">glassy</label>
    <CMYK space="2ndFloorCMYK" c="0.8703" m="0.6172" y="0" k="0"/>
    <Lab space="mine" L="34.67" a="54.1289" b="-103.3359"/>
    <HSV space="prof01" h="240" s="1" v="1"/>
    <HLS space="prof02" h="240" l="0.5" s="1"/>
    <Luv space="prof03" L="34.6701" u="-15.0121" v="-124.7986"/>
    <XYZ space="prof04" x="0.1566" y="0.0833" z="0.7196"/>
    <Yxy space="prof05" Y="0.0833" x="0.1632" y="0.0869"/>
    <Gray space="prof06" g="0.2515"/>
    <sRGB r="0" g="0" b="1.0"/>
    <RGB space="lcd" r="0.1608" g="-0.1518" b="1.0753"/>

 <color name="red">
    <label lang="en">Red</label>
    <CMYK space="2ndFloorCMYK" c="0.0011" m="0.7992" y="0.9405" k="0.0038"/>
    <sRGB r="1.0" g="0" b="0"/>

 <colorspace name="2ndFloorCMYK" xlink:href="2nd_floor.icm"/>
 <colorspace name="mine" xlink:href="sample.icm"/>
 <colorspace name="lcd" xlink:href="generic_lcd.icm"/>

Colors grouping (a proposal)

When have many swatches in one file, some type of groups will be needed. Example:

   <label lang='en'>One group</label>
   <color name='red'>
      <label lang='en'>Red</label>
      <sRGB r="1.0" g="0" b="0"/>
      <label lang='en'>Nested group</label>

--Portnov 16:40, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

RelaxNG Compact

namespace xlink = ""
grammar {
 start = element colors {
  color+, colorSpace*
 color = element color {
  attribute name { text },
  label *,
  (RGB ? & sRGB ? & CMYK ? & Lab ? & HSV ? & HLS ? & Luv ? & XYZ ? & Yxy ? & Gray ? & YCbCr ?)
 label = element label {
  attribute lang { text } ?,
 spaceAttribute = attribute space { text }
 RGBAttributes =
  attribute r { xsd:float },
  attribute g { xsd:float },
  attribute b { xsd:float }
 RGB = element RGB {
 sRGB = element sRGB {
 CMYK = element CMYK {
  attribute c { xsd:float },
  attribute m { xsd:float },
  attribute y { xsd:float },
  attribute k { xsd:float }
 Lab = element Lab {
  attribute L { xsd:float },
  attribute a { xsd:float },
  attribute b { xsd:float }
 HSV = element HSV {
  attribute h { xsd:float },
  attribute s { xsd:float },
  attribute v { xsd:float }
 HLS = element HLS {
  attribute h { xsd:float },
  attribute l { xsd:float },
  attribute s { xsd:float }
 Luv = element Luv {
  attribute L { xsd:float },
  attribute u { xsd:float },
  attribute v { xsd:float }
 XYZ = element XYZ {
  attribute x { xsd:float },
  attribute y { xsd:float },
  attribute z { xsd:float }
 Yxy = element Yxy {
  attribute Y { xsd:float },
  attribute x { xsd:float },
  attribute y { xsd:float }
 YCbCr = element YCbCr {
  attribute Y { xsd:float },
  attribute Cb { xsd:float },
  attribute Cr { xsd:float }
 Gray = element Gray {
  attribute g { xsd:float }
 colorSpace = element colorspace {
   attribute name { text },
   attribute xlink:href { xsd:anyURI }

#Using for validating

To use the above RelaxNG schema to validate a swatch you can use:

trang -I rnc -O rng colors.rnc colors.rng
xmllint --relaxng colors.rng colors.xml