A repository for testing various scenarios when developing Decap CMS
You need Hugo installed on your machine: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/
This repository is set up to be developed with Visual Studio Code editor. Please install reccommended extensions listed in extensions.json
If this is your first time running the project, run
npm install
and npx husky install
When you have that run one of these commands for local dev server:
hugo server
or npm run dev
and open your local site on http://localhost:1313/
In this project (decap-cms-tester):
- Run
npx decap-server
In decap-cms project:
- Run
npm run start
- Add
local_backend = true
Open http://localhost:8080/
in your browser. You should see the admin panel with config from decap-cms project. All changes will be saved to this project's folders. This also works with any other project on which you might run npx decap-server
with these steps.