A simple, reusable Reagent error boundary component for Reagent 0.8.1+ (React 16+).
React v16 introduced the concept of “error boundaries”.
This component provides a simple and reusable wrapper that you can use to wrap around your components. Any rendering errors in your components hierarchy can then be gracefully handled.
Error boundaried catch only error on rendering phase.
Error boundaries do not catch errors for:
- Event handlers
- Asynchronous code
Add to project.clj
[re-catch "0.1.4"]
Wrap components tree with [rc/catch ...]
(ns re-catch.example
(:require [re-catch.core :as rc]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn line [num]
(if-not (= num 3)
[:h3 "line" (str num)]
[:h3 (-> js/nil .helloNil)]))
(defn line-safe [num]
[line num]])
(defn main-panel []
(fn []
[line-safe 1]
[line-safe 2]
[line-safe 3] ;; error thrown
[line-safe 4]
[line-safe 5]]))
Copyright © 2019 Eugene Potapenko
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.