Fix no controled vehicle spawn in SA:MP (OnVehicleDeath)
public OnVehicleRequestDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
new Float:Health;
GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, Health);
if(Health > 300.0)
return 0;
return 1;
Plugin Tested ONLY on SA:MP Server 0.3.7 R2-1, operability is not guaranteed on other versions
OnVehicleDeath don't call, if return false in OnVehicleRequestDeath. If OnVehicleRequestDeath not forwarded in gamemode, OnVehicleDeath call always
WARNING! OnVehicleRequestDeath Must be forwarded ONLY in Main GameMode (NOT IN FILTERSCIPT!) If OnVehicleRequestDeath return true, will be be spawned, and OnVehicleDeath it is called in Gamemode and Filterscript's, returning false in OnVehicleRequestDeath, stop a spawn vehicle, and OnVehicleDeath don't be called
SA:MP Server 0.3.7 Structs from YSF by kurta999 ( And all other copyrights are listed in the files of source code
Sorry for my bad English