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This is a port forwarding program written in golang. But it doesn't just forward port data, it also supports forwarding streams. That is, data of a certain stream protocol is forwarded to another stream.

For example you can convert tcp data to websocket stream and vice versa.



Please use -conf to pass in the configuration file path to run the program

./streamf -conf your_configure_path


basic is the most basic forwarder. It is the tcp port forwarding program that can be found everywhere on the Internet.

// This is an example of port forwarding
  // Set a basic forwarding target
  dialer: [
      // Use this tag in listener to specify dialer
      tag: 'tcp',
      // Connection timeout
      timeout: '200ms',
      // Connection URL, optional parameters network and addr override the addr in the URL
      url: 'basic://',
      tag: 'tcp+tls',
      timeout: '200ms',
      // +tls specifies to use tls to connect
      url: 'basic+tls://',
      // Explicitly specify the connection addr
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: 'localhost:2443',
      // Do not verify server certificate
      allowInsecure: true,
  listener: [
    // This listener receives tcp connections
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        // Forward to the dialer with tag 'tcp+tls'
        tag: 'tcp+tls',
        // After one end of the connection is disconnected, wait for one second before closing the other end
        //  (waiting for untransmitted data to continue transmitting)
        close: '1s',
    // This listener receives tls connections
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4443',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
      // Enable tls
      tls: {
        certFile: 'test.crt',
        keyFile: 'test.key',
curl  -k


http mode can support http in and out streams:

  • websocket is supported in http1.1, which supports bidirectional data flow
  • http2.0 also supports streaming for ordinary requests.
  dialer: [
      tag: 'wss',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'wss://',
      addr: 'localhost:2443',
      allowInsecure: true,
      tag: 'ws',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'ws://',
      addr: 'localhost:4000',
      access: 'test access token',
      tag: 'h2-post',
      url: '',
      addr: 'localhost:4443',
      allowInsecure: true,
      tag: 'h2c-put',
      url: '',
      addr: 'localhost:4000',
      method: 'PUT',
      access: 'test access token',
  local router = [
      // Receive WebSocket connection
      method: 'WS',
      // URL match pattern
      pattern: '/http/ws',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'wss',
        close: '1s',
      // access specifies an access token, and only traffic matching the token is forwarded
      access: 'test access token',
      // Receive POST request
      method: 'POST',
      pattern: '/http2',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'ws',
        close: '1s',
      // Receive PUT request
      method: 'PUT',
      pattern: '/http2',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'h2-post',
        close: '1s',
      access: 'test access token',
      // Receive PATCH request
      method: 'PATCH',
      pattern: '/http2',
      dialer: { tag: 'h2c-put' },
  listener: [
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      // Specify to use 'http' mode
      mode: 'http',
      // Specify route
      router: router,
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4443',
      mode: 'http',
      router: router,
      tls: {
        certFile: 'test.crt',
        keyFile: 'test.key',
curl -X PATCH -d 'abc=123'

Incoming and outgoing traffic can be http1.x, but http1.x does not support data streaming and may wait until the end of the request or response traffic transmission before transmitting to the peer. http1.x is generally not recommended.

Starting from v0.0.3, websocket supports the fast attribute. If set to true, it will only use websocket to establish a connection and directly use tcp to transmit data after the connection is established.

Starting from v0.0.4, http/websocket dialer supports header attribute (map[string][]string) for setting custom http header


By default both incoming and outgoing traffic uses tcp, but you can set network to 'unix', which enables unix sockets, which are more efficient than sockets through the network card, but are only supported under linux

  dialer: [
      tag: 'tcp',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      tag: 'unix+tls',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic+tls://',
      network: 'unix',
      addr: '@streamf/unix.socket',
      allowInsecure: true,
  listener: [
      network: 'unix',
      addr: '@streamf/unix.socket',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
      tls: {
        certFile: 'test.crt',
        keyFile: 'test.key',
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'unix+tls',
        close: '1s',
curl --abstract-unix-socket streamf/unix.socket -k


pipe can only be used in the same process. It simulates a net.Conn directly in memory and is therefore very efficient. It is used to convert the streaming protocol within the process. For example, cloudflare does not support the display transmission http2 protocol. At this time, http2 is first converted to webscoekt for transmission through the cloudflare network, and websocekt is converted to http2 on the server and then processed by the server http2 service.

  dialer: [
      tag: 'tcp',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      tag: 'pipe+tls',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic+tls://',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      allowInsecure: true,
  listener: [
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
      tls: {
        certFile: 'test.crt',
        keyFile: 'test.key',
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'pipe+tls',
        close: '1s',


Sometimes we need to publish an intranet service to the public network. In this case, we can use the portal-bridge function.

First, you need to set the mode of a listener to 'portal' on a server with a public network and ensure that its tag is unique. You can then create a connection in dialer by setting network to 'portal' and addr to listener's tag. Finally, set the bridge array reverse connection listener on the intranet server.

// The portal/bridge are set together for the convenience of testing. Usually in the real environment, 'portal' is located on the public network server, and 'bridge' is located on the intranet server.
local bridge = {
  dialer: [
    // Connect to the service you want to publish
      tag: 'tcp',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
  // The 'bridge' will connect to the 'portal' network
  bridge: [
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      // Connect this dialer to the 'portal' through the 'bridge'
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
// The portal/bridge are set together for the convenience of testing. Usually in the real environment, 'portal' is located on the public network server, and 'bridge' is located on the intranet server.
local portal = {
  dialer: [
    // This dialer will obtain the connection provided by the 'listener portal'
      tag: 'portal',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'portal',
      // connect portal tag
      addr: 'listener portal',
  listener: [
    // Set mode to 'portal' to enable portal networking
      // Listeners in 'portal' mode must have a unique tag
      tag: 'listener portal',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      mode: 'portal',
      portal: {
        // Wait connect timeout
        // Default 500ms
        timeout: '200ms',
        // How often does an idle connection send a heartbeat?
        heart: '40s',
        // Timeout for waiting for heartbeat response
        heartTimeout: '1s',
    // This listener uses the connection provided by the 'listener portal' to provide services to the outside world.
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'portal',
        close: '1s',
  dialer: bridge.dialer + portal.dialer,
  listener: portal.listener,
  bridge: bridge.bridge,


portal/bridge can also support http, and the portal mode listener can be used in the router to mix portal and ordinary traffic forwarding.

local bridge = {
  dialer: [
      tag: 'tcp',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
  bridge: [
    // websocket connect portal
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'ws://',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      access: 'test access token',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
    // http2 post connect portal
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: '',
      method: 'POST',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      access: 'test access token',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'tcp',
        close: '1s',
local portal = {
  dialer: [
    // serve by portal ws
      tag: 'portal-ws',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'portal',
      addr: 'listener-portal-ws',
    // serve by portal http2
      tag: 'portal-http2',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'portal',
      addr: 'listener-portal-http2',
    // serve direct
      tag: 'portal-direct',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: '',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
  listener: [
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      mode: 'http',
      router: [
        // websocket portal
          method: 'WS',
          pattern: '/http/ws',
          access: 'test access token',
          portal: {
            tag: 'listener-portal-ws',
            timeout: '200ms',
            heart: '40s',
            heartTimeout: '1s',
        // http2 portal
          method: 'POST',
          pattern: '/http2',
          access: 'test access token',
          portal: {
            tag: 'listener-portal-http2',
            timeout: '200ms',
            heart: '40s',
            heartTimeout: '1s',
        // direct router
          pattern: '/http/direct',
          dialer: {
            tag: 'tcp',
            close: '1s',
    // portal-ws ingress
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'portal-ws',
        close: '1s',
    //  portal-http2 ingress
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4001',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'portal-http2',
        close: '1s',
    //  portal-direct ingress
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4002',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'portal-direct',
        close: '1s',
  dialer: bridge.dialer + portal.dialer,
  listener: portal.listener,
  bridge: bridge.bridge,


Starting from v0.0.4, basic listener/dialer supports udp. This function is used to implement udp over tcp. This is useful at certain times, for example, a firewall blocks UDP, or UDP is speed-limited. In this case, you can use this function to transmit UDP data using TCP, but note that this will reduce the transmission efficiency of the original UDP program.

// Here's a demonstration of how to set up udp over tcp

// This is the configuration on the server, which parses udp from tcp and transmits it to the destination service
local server = {
  dialer: [
      tag: 'google-dns',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'udp',
      udp: {
        frame: 16,
        timeout: '60s',
        size: 1500,
  listener: [
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'google-dns',
        close: '1s',

// This is a reverse proxy. It receives udp, packages it, and transmits it to the server using tcp.
local proxy = {
  dialer: [
      tag: 'udp-over-tcp',
      timeout: '200ms',
      url: 'basic://',
      network: 'pipe',
      addr: 'streamf/pipe.socket',
  listener: [
      network: 'udp',
      addr: ':4000',
      dialer: {
        tag: 'udp-over-tcp',
        close: '1s',
      udp: {
        frame: 16,
        timeout: '60s',
        size: 1500,

  dialer: server.dialer + proxy.dialer,
  listener: server.listener + proxy.listener,
  logger: {
    source: true,


Starting from v0.0.5, udp array is supported to specify a set of udp port mappings.

            // udp listen host:port
            // remote target addr
            // udp max frame length, default 1024*2
            // udp timeout, default 3m


logger is used to set logs

  logger: {
    // log level 'debug' 'info' 'warn' 'error'
    level: 'info',
    // Whether to display code files
    source: false,


pool sets the read and write cache for the connection

  pool: {
    // Read and write cache size
    size: 1024 * 32,
    // How many free memory blocks can be cached at most?
    cache: 128,


You can register the 'API' route in the http listener, which provides some http pages for querying the server running status.

  listener: [
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      mode: 'http',
      router: [
          method: 'API',
          pattern: '/api',
          auth: [
              username: 'dev',
              password: '123',


fs is used to publish an operating system directory to the route of the http listener in the form of static http. This is not the main job of this program, but this requirement is very common and can be achieved easily with golang, so this function is also integrated.

local auth = [
    username: 'dev',
    password: '123',
  listener: [
      network: 'tcp',
      addr: ':4000',
      mode: 'http',
      router: [
          method: 'FS',
          pattern: '/fs',
          fs: '/tmp',
          auth: auth,
          method: 'API',
          pattern: '/',
          auth: auth,


docker run \
  -v Your_Configure_Path:/data/streamf.jsonnet:ro \
  -d king011/streamf:v0.0.1