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Julia bindings for the PowSyBl framework.

PowSyBl (Power System Blocks) is an open source framework written in Java, that makes it easy to write complex software for power systems’ simulations and analysis.

PowSyBl is part of the LF Energy Foundation, a project of The Linux Foundation that supports open source innovation projects within the energy and electricity sectors.


The Powsybl.jl package does no require any special installation. Stable releases are registered into the Julia general registry, and therefore can be deployed with the standard Pkg Julia package manager.

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Powsybl")

Getting started

Some examples are available in the Test directory of this project. For the time being available features are limited to :

  • Create a set of tutorial example networks such as IEEE, Eurostag and more
  • Load a network from a file, supporting CGMES, UCTE, XIIDM, BIIDM, JIIDM, Matpower, IEEE CDF, PSS/E and PowerFactory data format
  • List network elements and explore their attributes through julia DataFrames

Network exploration

From a loaded network you can have a access to the following network elements (and their attributes) :

  • buses
  • bus_breaker_view_buses
  • generators
  • loads
  • batteries
  • lines
  • 2_windings_transformers
  • 3_windings_transformers
  • shunt_compensators
  • non_linear_shunt_compensator_sections
  • linear_shunt_compensator_sections
  • dangling_lines
  • tie_lines
  • lcc_converter_stations
  • vsc_converter_stations
  • static_var_compensators
  • voltage_levels
  • busbar_sections
  • substations
  • hvdc_lines
  • switches
  • ratio_tap_changer_steps and phase_tap_changer_steps
  • ratio_tap_changers and phase_tap_changers
  • reactive_capability_curve_points
  • injections
  • branches
  • terminals
  • operational_limits
julia> using Powsybl

julia> network = Powsybl.Network.create_ieee9()
Powsybl.Network.NetworkHandle(Powsybl.JavaHandleAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x000002bb1efac470), "ieee9cdf", "ieee9cdf", "IEEE-CDF", 0, 1.240704e9)

julia> @info Powsybl.Network.get_lines(network)
┌ Info: 6×18 DataFrame
│  Row │ id         name       r        x        g1       b1        g2       b2        p1       q1       i1       p2       q2       i2       voltage_level1_id  voltage_level2_id  bus1_id    bus2_id
│      │ StdString  StdString  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64   Float64  Float64   Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  StdString          StdString          StdString  StdString
│ ─────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│    1 │ L7-8-0                   0.85     7.2       0.0  0.000745      0.0  0.000745      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL2                VL8                VL2_1      VL8_0
│    2 │ L9-8-0                   1.19    10.08      0.0  0.001045      0.0  0.001045      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL3                VL8                VL3_1      VL8_0
│    3 │ L7-5-0                   3.2     16.1       0.0  0.00153       0.0  0.00153       NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL2                VL5                VL2_1      VL5_0
│    4 │ L9-6-0                   3.9     17.0       0.0  0.00179       0.0  0.00179       NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL3                VL6                VL3_1      VL6_0
│    5 │ L5-4-0                   1.0      8.5       0.0  0.00088       0.0  0.00088       NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL5                VL1                VL5_0      VL1_1
└    6 │ L6-4-0                   1.7      9.2       0.0  0.00079       0.0  0.00079       NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN  VL6                VL1                VL6_0      VL1_1


Network loading

Network are loaded from file through the Powsybl.Network.load function. Supported format are :

CGMES (all profiles in a zip archive), UCTE, XIIDM, BIIDM, JIIDM, Matpower, IEEE CDF, PSS/E and PowerFactory

julia> Powsybl.Network.get_network_import_formats()
9-element Vector{String}:
julia> using Powsybl

julia> network = Powsybl.Network.load("")
Powsybl.Network.NetworkHandle(Powsybl.JavaHandleAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x000002c926f212c0), "urn:uuid:d8ba63a9-4453-45dc-9273-a8a01ff49269", "urn:uuid:d8ba63a9-4453-45dc-9273-a8a01ff49269", "CGMES", 0, 1.612899e9)

julia> @info Powsybl.Network.get_lines(network)[:,["id", "name", "p1"]]
┌ Info: 8×3 DataFrame
│  Row │ id                                 name                   p1
│      │ StdString                          StdString              Float64
│ ─────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│    1 │ ffbabc27-1ccd-4fdc-b037-e341706c  BE-Line_6               -52.14342 │ b58bf21a-096a-4dae-9a01-3f03b60c  BE-Line_2              -113.2523 │ df16b3dd-c905-4a6f-84ee-f067be86  SER-RLC-1230822986      -97.27034 │ b18cd1aa-7808-49b9-a7cf-605eaf07  BE-Line_5 + NL-Line_5   -22.44785 │ a16b4a6c-70b1-4abf-9a9d-bd0fa47f  BE-Line_7 + NL-Line_3   -97.2713617086487-56ba-4979-b8de-064025a6  BE-Line_1 + NL-Line_4   -79.32487 │ dad02278-bd25-476f-8f58-dbe44be7  NL-Line_2 + BE-Line_4    16.9841878736387-5f60-4832-b3fe-d50daf81  BE-Line_3 + NL-Line_1    -5.09077

Additionally, import formats may support specific parameters defined in Dict and a list of post processors in a string vector. The list of available post processors can be accessed through a call to Powsybl.Network.get_network_available_post_processors :

3-element Vector{String}:

Parameters and post processors are optional arguments of the load function :

julia> parameters = Dict("psse.import.ignore-base-voltage" => "true")
julia> postprocessors = ["replaceTieLinesByLines"]
julia> network = Powsybl.Network.load("network.raw", parameters, postprocessors)

See the documentation for available import parameters.

Network export

Network can exported to a file through the function, taking as arguments the network, a file and an export format.

julia> network = Powsybl.Network.load("")
julia>, "Ouput.xiidm", "XIIDM")

The list of available export formats can be accessed :

julia> Powsybl.Network.get_network_export_formats()
8-element Vector{String}:

Additionally, a Dict of parameters can be provided as a fourth argument to the export function

julia> network = Powsybl.Network.load("")
julia>, "Ouput.xiidm", "XIIDM", Dict("iidm.export.xml.indent" => "true"))

See the documentation for available export parameters.

Network extensions

Network extensions can be accessed through a call to Powsybl.Network.get_extensions

julia> using Powsybl

julia> network = Powsybl.Network.create_micro_grid_be()
Powsybl.Network.NetworkHandle(Powsybl.JavaHandleAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000020f43260), "urn:uuid:d400c631-75a0-4c30-8aed-832b0d282e73", "urn:uuid:d400c631-75a0-4c30-8aed-832b0d282e73", "CGMES", 0, 1.4016186e9)

julia> Powsybl.Network.get_extensions(network, "activePowerControl")
2×6 DataFrame
 Row │ id                                 droop    participate  participation_factor  max_target_p  min_target_p 
     │ String                             Float64  Bool         Float64               Float64       Float64      
   13a3b27be-b18b-4385-b557-6735d733      NaN         true                   0.0           NaN           NaN
   2550ebe0d-f2b2-48c1-991f-cebea43a      NaN         true                   0.0           NaN           NaN

Available extensions can be listed using the following call :

julia> Powsybl.Network.get_extensions_names()
19-element Vector{String}: