Software Engineer | Golang Developer
- 💖 Programming & software development are my passions.
- ⚡ In my free time, I continue to explore modern software development technologies & system design.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Programming Languages: Go; React, Next; exploring Zig, Elixir
- Messaging & Streaming: NATS, Kafka
- Databases & Storage: Clickhouse, GreenPlum, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis; AWS S3, Minio; JSON, msgPack
- Containerization & Orchestration: Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes (k8s), Rancher
- APIs & Communication: REST API, gRPC
- Monitoring & Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Kibana, Jaeger, k6
- Testing & Mocks: Mockery
- CI/CD & Version Control: GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, Git