Z-Space is a 3d space shooter game developed using the Unity engine.
Unity games are written in C# and the code can be found under Assets/Scripts.
For more information, view the presentation slides, or try the demo itself!
-Clone the git repository
-In Unity, Open->the cloned repository
-From there you may File->build and run the game on your platform of choice.
Note: if you are unfamiliar with Git, run the following Git commands from the command-line:
Cloning the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ppieper/Z-Space.git
You may need to do some configuration if you haven't used git before on your machine:
git config --global user.name "Your Name Here" (this is what shows up in your commits-can be anything you want)
git config --global user.email [email protected] (this is the email address of your GitHub account)