I mostly use emacs to do some stuff without database.
My emacs configure should be consist of some main components, but I am too weak to make it to be true.
Make subframe for certain information.
Search beautiful.
Manage to find my project root, and some help function to search something from the root.
no binding
C-s swiper-isearch
I am not finding a method to make them work together well.
A project meta info area like treemacs frame. An Editable area like usual buffer. An repl are like multi term, debug tools. A simple message panel.
Meta info and repl should be dedicated with project.
Work with projectile
Most of editing related should bind a key directly, like cursor, buffer switching. There are blurred modes like editing and searching and viewing, because editing is the central but most time is used in viewing.
Insert code very fast.
C-c i yas-insert-snippet
Help me when I am viewing codes. There is too much util functions. It shows functions used more frequently than M-x but less frequent than editing.
C-c c hydra-global/body M-<space> major-mode-hydra
Metainfo should provide summary of a project. It is important when beginning coding.
Show file related to project. Tracking editing buffer sometime.
<f8> treemacs
only default hydra in treemacs mode
Provide interactive service other than editing. Making things like serve codes, debugger and cli utility.
Make a dedicated term.
<f12> multi-term-dedicated-toggle
Manage my git actions
Provide regulated message, from emacs itself and its plugins, for debugging. TBD