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  1. what is Execution context (varaible environment and thread of execution)
  2. what is javascript - syncronus single thread programming , weekly typed language
  3. Scope Chain – A linked list of lexical environments.
  4. encapsulation (data privacy)
  5. scope
  6. closures - Closures Keep Variables Alive Even After Execution
  7. garbage collecter
  8. block
  9. block scope
  10. function scope
  11. variable shadowing
  12. temporal dead zone
  13. hoisting
  14. lexical scope & rule -
  15. global scope
  16. varaiable environment (VE) – Stores local variables, function declarations, and arguments.
  17. lexical environment (LE) – Reference to the parent’s scope.
  18. call stock / (main thread)
  19. event loop
  20. microtask queue
  21. callback queue //
  22. web api (settimeout and setInterval)
  23. Promises (custom promise create)
  24. call back function - passing function to another function
  25. function statement
  26. function expression
  27. anonymous function
  28. iifE
  29. javascript enigne (type browser and jse name)
  30. type coercion (value type convert to another type)
  31. == and === (allow type coercion and now allowed)
  32. truthy and falsy (0,"",[],null => falsey) => rule want to read
  33. null and undefined (placeholder until value intialized or re-assigned)
  34. this === window
  35. first class functions
  36. try catch / then ..catch
  37. mutation obeserver + promise
  38. starvation - callback queue waiting time
  39. parsing & compilation & exection / Ast, interperter, compiler (optimization) , JIT compilation / memory heap, mark & sweep algorithm, garbage collector / algorithm - inlining , copy elision, inline caching
  40. higher order function
  41. callback hell
  42. inversion of control
  43. optional chaining (? & !)
  44. promise chaining
  45. async - always return promise even you return primitive values / await - always inside aysnc function and front of promise add await and it is resovle the promise / suspend the function execution
  46. Promise.race() - returns the first settled promise (fulfilled or rejected) → Best for timeouts. Promise.any() - returns the first fulfilled promise (ignores failures) → Best for fastest successful API call. Promise.allSettled() - waits for all promises to settle and returns their status → Best for logging all results. Promise.all()- Parallel API Calls: When you need multiple async operations to all succeed, and any failure should immediately stop the execution. Bulk Data Processing: When multiple files or resources are being processed, and you want to handle all at once.


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