The Instagram Clone App is built using Flutter and Firebase.
The Instagram Clone app is an mobile app that implements an Instagram like photo and video sharing with Riverpod. User can also like and comment on posts. Social sign-ins such as Facebook and Google are used for authentication. Firebase Firestore is used to store our documents and Firebase Storage to store photos and videos
This app was created to practice Flutter and Riverpod state management.
- Google Authentication
- Facebook Authentication
- Upload Photos/Videos
- Like Posts
- Comment Posts
- Manage Posts
Language: Dart
UI: Material UI
- Firebase Authentication
- Firestore Database
- Firebase Storage
State Management: Riverpod 2.0
Other Components Used
- (Check
for more)
- Download or clone project and open the project in VS Code
- Create Firebase Project
- Enable Google and Facebook Authentication
- Setup Firestore Database
- Setup Firebase Storage
- Set Firestore Rules
- You can use FlutterFire to create a firebase project easily
- Run flutter get to download all dependencies
- Connect your Android phone or use the emulator to start the application
Riverpod 2.x Course for Flutter Developers - Go From Beginner to Advanced in 17 Hours ( Course developed by Vandad Nahavandipoor. Check out his channel: (