Using the VSCode Vim extension paired with customized keybindings can significantly enhance your development workflow, offering a smoother and faster experience compared to using Neovim. This approach not only reduces the learning curve and setup time but also boosts efficiency.
leader f
- Global searchleader v
- Vertical, horizontal splitleader h,j,k,l
- Switch between panes the Vim wayleader i
- Go to implementation>
- Shift line right, leftShift + j
- Move line above]
- Move to the next or previous error/warning markerleader d
- Go to definition
Plus, enjoy all the smooth shortcuts of Vim motions.
Ctrl + m
- Open/close terminal windowCtrl + n
- New terminalCtrl + d
- Delete/kill opened terminalCtrl + j,k
- Switch between terminals the Vim way
Ctrl + i
- Go to file explorer (from active text editor) / Go to active text editor (from any place else e.g., explorer, terminal)Ctrl + b
- Close the file explorer windowCtrl + Space
- Preview file, Open file and go insideCtrl + j
- Move up, down the file treeCtrl + N
- Create new folder, new file, delete file/folder, rename file/folderCtrl + o
- Switch control between terminal and active text editor
- Less impact on others because of your normie VSCode IDE no matter how fast you are. Recommended to use with highly riced arch to account for the disadvantage.
- Missing global mark functionality
- Adding debugger on selected lines
- Better shortcuts for go-to-definition and related actions
- Ability to change the code action menu items with Vim motions
- Switching between problems, debug console, test, comments, outputs tab, etc.
- Any other improvements you find suitable
Place your terminal and debug console in the same window. Note that we can't switch between them with this setup.
Feel free to contribute to make this setup even better!