Proof of concept control plane components to securely provide Athenz identities to Kubernetes application workloads.
This gist provides a high-level overview.
See the design document for a detailed description of the end to end flow. Read the components doc for details on every component.
Works on k8s version 1.8 or above.
$ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/
$ git clone <this-repo>
$ cd k8s-athenz-identity
$ make
For my tests, I have set up a single node k8s cluster on a bare-metal box. Cluster created using kubeadm with
the Noschedule
taint removed from the master and extra alpha flags for new features for the API.
There is a one command setup
and teardown
in the k8s
folder that do everything.
Your mileage in getting this to work may vary :)
In any case, you can see all the moving parts by inspecting the setup script and all the YAML files for the configmaps, deployments and daemonsets.
- High-availability of initializer using leader election.
- Admission controller that enforces initializer for user apps, does not allow random workloads to use the custom volume driver etc.
- Ordering of initializer configuration and deployment of initializer still matters. Will be an upgrade issue. Investigate.
- Dynamic refresh intervals for both control and data plane SIA