- Dan Crouthamel
- Kumaraiah Pradeepkumar
- Beers.csv - Beer Data
- Breweries.csv - Brewery Data
- CaseStudy1.rmd - Code file
- CaseStudy1.pptx and CaseStudy1-ver2.pptx - just a couple of presentation files for class
- CaseStudy1.html - Knitr file
- Brew_ID
- Brewery Name
- City
- State
- Beer Name
- Beer_ID
- ABV - Alcohol by Volume
- IBU - Interational Bitterness Unit
- Style
- Ounces
IBU is a measure of isohumulone in a beer, an acid imparted from the hops. See https://www.craftbeerjoe.com/craft-beer-styles/hoppy-vs-bitter/