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GEOSX is a simulation framework for modeling coupled flow, transport, and geomechanics in the subsurface. The code provides advanced solvers for a number of target applications, including:

  • carbon sequestration,
  • geothermal energy,
  • and similar systems.

A key focus of the project is achieving scalable performance on current and next-generation high performance computing systems. We do this through a portable programming model and research into scalable algorithms.

You may want to browse our publications page for more details on the HPC, numerics, and applied engineering components of this effort.

*Note - This is not an official repository of GEOSX

Official links:


*Note - for the build guide below, it is recommended to use the latest TPL base image tag with latest GEOSX git commit or source code.

Building Base image

*Note - At the time of writing this, the above prebuilt image was built using git commit id: af23e1b4a. Browse files for th above commit version: tree - af23e1b4a.

Please refer the build ARGs in the Dockerfile and pass these to docker build according to your needs, like:

docker build --build-arg ORG=geosx --build-arg IMG=ubuntu20.04-gcc9 --build-arg CMAKE_BASE_VERSION=3.22 --build-arg CMAKE_SUB_VERSION=6 --build-arg VERSION=213-913 -t remote-dev-ubuntu20.04-gcc9:213-913 .

However for builing with default ARGs:

docker build -t remote-dev-ubuntu20.04-gcc9:213-913 .

The above base build image is available at: Image Layer Details - pradhyumna85/geosx:base-build-image-geosx-0.2.0 | Docker Hub

Launching a container from the Base image

On windows cmd:

docker run -it -d --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --name geosx-build-image -p 64000:22 -v "%cd%\home:/home/mpiuser" remote-dev-ubuntu20.04-gcc9:213-913

On powershell/bash:

docker run -it -d --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --name geosx-build-image -p 64000:22 -v "${PWD}\home:/home/mpiuser" remote-dev-ubuntu20.04-gcc9:213-913

*Note: -v parameter is for bind mount and is optional

Accessing container shell

docker exec -it geosx-build-image bash

Building GEOSX inside the container

Cloning and setting up GEOSX repository. Starting with switching user

su mpiuser

cd /app

git clone


git lfs install

git submodule init

git submodule deinit integratedTests

git submodule update

Place your platform cmake file at host-configs/your-platform.cmake. Example docker.cmake is available in this github repository.

cd /app/GEOSX

python scripts/ -hc host-configs/your-platform.cmake -bt Release

cd build-your-platform-release

In the above command build-your-platform-release will be build-docker-release if using docker.cmake

make -j16

In the above "16" is the number of cpu cores available, set it to maximum cores available to the container, eg "4"

make install

Testing the build

cd /app/GEOSX/build-your-platform-release

ctest -V

Ideally it should show 100% coverage

Built GEOSX binary now should be available at /app/GEOSX/install-your-platform-release/bin/geosx, in the install-your-platform-release will be install-docker-release if used docker.cmake for building.

You can test the binary by the command:

/app/GEOSX/install-your-platform-release/bin/geosx --help


Post build

After successfully building GEOSX in the container you can commit that container as an image (and push to some container repository) for reusing later.

docker commit geosx-build-image <your_docker_repository_url>:<tag>

docker push <your_docker_repository_url>:<tag>

*Make sure you are authenticated before pushing. Build is already pushed and available at: Image Layer Details - pradhyumna85/geosx:0.2.0-hp-zbook-17-G6-xeon-x86 | Docker Hub.

You can also find the basic guilde on using GEOSX inside a docker container using this prebuilt image at my docker hub repository's readme/description: pradhyumna85/geosx - Docker Image | Docker Hub.



Building GEOSX docker image from source






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