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Convert Swagger specifications into a simple Admin on Rest client.

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Convert Swagger specifications into a simple Admin on Rest client.


This utility parses a Swagger specification and generates a simple Admin on Rest client implementation to integration with a given rest server. In particular, the following files are currently generated:

  • App.js, The main App file containing your Admin component,
  • Resource JS files, A resource file is generated for each resource found and placed in resources,
  • Filter JS files, For each resource with any filters found a filter file will be generated and placed in filters,
  • restClient.js, a json rest client included with the generated files (use if needed),
  • authClient.js, a basic Auth Client included in the generation.
  • ObjectField.js, a common custom field type for object types, included if needed.

PLEASE NOTE: This tool will only really help you generate the bulk of your resource and main admin components (which can be tedious and lengthy so it helps quite a bit). The rest and utility components and JS are there mainly as placeholders and the entire Generated admin may not function correctly without some knowledge and intervention. Please excuse this, not enough time is available. However a tool for React-Admin (admin on rest v2) is in the works and will provide more robust placeholder code, as a generator for React-Admin is more of a priority.

Admin On Rest Client Generation

This portion of work is to generate a basic working Admin on Rest client that can be modified for custom requirements. In order for the generation to behave as desired, the swagger specification is required to follow a certain configuration. Note, this generated code comes along with a generic swagger rest server and authentication implementation.

Include in your project

Include in your requirements file for pip within a Virtual Environment with Python 3.6 (to guarantee order of generation):

-e git+

Pip install your requirements and the generator will be in your project Virtual Environment.

To run the generator now you can run the command:

./{ve}/bin/python {ve}/src/swagger-aor-generator/swagger_aor_generator/ {swagger_spec} --output-dir={output_dir} --module-name="{module_name}" --rest-server-url="{rest_server_url}"

Replace all instances of {} variables with your desired setup. Here are each on of their purposes.

Name Description
ve Your virtual environment directory.
swagger_spec The path to your swagger specification (JSON/YAML).
output_dir The output directory to generate into.
module_name What you want the title of your admin to be.
rest_server_url The url which points to your rest server for the admin.

Path Configuration

Here is a configuration of paths for a single model to be implemented on the Admin on Rest interface.

"/pets": {
  "get": {
    "operationId": "pet_list",
    "parameters": [
        "description": "An Optional Filter by pet_id.",
        "in": "query",
        "name": "pet_id",
        "required": false,
        "type": "integer"
    "produces": [
    "responses": {
      "200": {
        "description": "",
        "schema": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
    "tags": []
  "post": {
    "consumes": [
    "operationId": "pet_create",
    "parameters": [
        "in": "body",
        "name": "data",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet_create"
    "produces": [
    "responses": {
      "201": {
        "description": "",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
    "tags": []
"/pets/{pet_id}": {
  "parameters": [
      "$ref": "#/parameters/pet_id"
  "delete": {
    "operationId": "pet_delete",
    "responses": {
      "204": {
        "description": ""
    "tags": []
  "get": {
    "operationId": "pet_read",
    "produces": [
    "responses": {
      "200": {
        "description": "",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
    "tags": []
  "put": {
    "consumes": [
    "operationId": "pet_update",
    "parameters": [
        "in": "body",
        "name": "data",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet_update"
    "produces": [
    "responses": {
      "200": {
        "description": "",
        "schema": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
    "tags": []

This is a suitable layout for the endpoints of the Pet Model. The important attributes of each path/method pair are:

  1. The base resource name pets remains the same for each path regarding pets. (VERY IMPORTANT)
  2. With each operationId, the start is always the model name (pet) and the trailing word describes which AOR component the generator is looking at to generate.

All components for pets will be generated for the base resource path name pets, and each trailing word correlates to a given AOR component as listed below:

list - List Component
create - Create Component
read - Show Component
update - Edit Component

Here we can go over the endpoints and how they will be used in generation.

/pets GET: This path method will be used for the List component of the Pet model. The operationId must contain the suffix "list". Here the generator will build a List component for Pet based on the definition or schema provided in the 200 response for a SINGLE item of the array. In this example it will look at "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"

/pets POST: This path method will be used for the Create component of the Pet Model. The operationId must contain the suffix "create". Here the generator will build a Create component for Pet based on the definition or schema provided in the body parameter. In this example it will look at "$ref": "#/definitions/pet_create".

/pets/{pet_id} GET: This path method will be used for the Show component of the Pet Model. The operationId must contain the suffix "read". Here the generator will build a Show component for the Pet based on the definition or schema provided in the 200 response. In this example it will look at "$ref": "#/definitions/pet".

/pets/{pet_id} PUT: This path method will be used for the Edit component of the Pet Model. The operationId must contain the suffix "update". Here the generator will build an Edit component for the Pet based on the definition or schema provided in the body parameter. In this example it will look at "$ref": "#/definitions/pet_create".

The delete method is not used as a standard delete component is used in the generated Admin on Rest client.

Definition Configuration

A simple definition can be given as follows:

"pet": {
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "integer",
      "format": "int64",
      "readOnly": true
    "category_id": {
      "type": "integer"
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "doggie"
    "metadata": {
      "type": "object"
    "date_of_birth": {
      "type": string
      "format": date
    "created_at": {
      "type": string,
      "format": date-time
    "updated_at": {
      "type": string,
      "format": date-time

Each property will be catered for in the generated Admin on Rest client. The property type will dictate the component to be generated for the property, however note that if the format is a supported component, it will overwrite the type component with the given format component. Also note the presence of enum in a property will change the component. The following types/formats have supported admin on rest components and are shown in the table below.

NOTE: Date-time formats will require an additional npm package aor-datetime-input for DateTimeInput components, so add it to your project if necessary.

Type/Format Field Component Input Component
string TextField TextInput
integer NumberField NumberInput
boolean BooleanField BooleanInput
date DateField DateInput
date-time DateField DateTimeInput
enum SelectField SelectInput
object* ObjectField* LongTextInput*
array TextField None
  • Object types use a Custom ObjectField included in the generation of the Admin on Rest Client. For their input a LongTextInput is utilized with parse and format props that handle the sending and presentation of the field data.

Foriegn Key relationships

Foriegn key relationships can be setup in the definition quite easily. In order for a field to be picked up as a foreign key either of the following must be present.

  1. The field name is suffixed by _id.
  2. There is an additional field for related information named x-related-info

The latter will appear as such:

"category_id": {
  "type": "integer"
  "x-related-info": {
    "model": "category", # The name of the model that is the foreign key.
    "rest_resource_name": "categories" # The base resource path on the API ie `pets` in the above path specification.
    "field": "id", # The related field of the related model.
    "label": "name" # The field to be seen when viewing the related model instance on the given model.

The property will then generate a simple Reference component. Each one of the fields in the x-related-info attribute is optional and if not present, assumptions will be made by the generator. The behaviour of the generator with regards to the x-related-info is as follows:

  1. If model is NOT present, grab the substring before the last _ in the property key, eg. category.
  2. If rest_resource_name is NOT present, take the model (or the substring before the last _ in the property key) and attempt to remove all _ and pluralize it for a guessed base resource path on the API.
  3. If field is NOT present, grab the substring after the last _ in the property key, eg. id.
  4. If label is NOT present, use the field or what was found in part 3 before.

The relation Field component will be generated as follows:

<ReferenceField label="Category" source="category_id" reference="categories" linkType="show" allowEmpty>
  <NumberField source="name" />

The relation Input component will be generated as follows:

<ReferenceInput label="Category" source="category_id" reference="categories" allowEmpty>
  <SelectInput source="id" optionText="name" />

NOTE: If you have a property with _id on the end and you do not want it to be a relation, set the x-related-info model field to None

Inline models

Additional info can be included in the swagger specification, at a global level, to produce inline displays on any desired model with related models. The additional field x-detail-page-definitions must be included on the highest level in the swagger specification with all models with inlines. An example is given as follows:

"x-detail-page-definitions": {
  "category": {
    "inlines": [
        "model": "pet",
        "rest_resource_name": "pets",
        "label": "Pets",
        "key": "category_id",
        "fields": [

Here we have the category model with an inline of all pets with the category_id of the given category. The optional fields here are rest_resource_name, label and fields. The generator with behave as follows:

  1. The model is required.
  2. rest_resource_name is the base resource path to point to, and behaves the same as before. If not present, the generator will attempt to guess the base resource path with the given model name minus _ and pluralized as best as possible.'
  3. The label is used for aesthetic purposes.
  4. The key is the required related_field to filter the given resource by (eg category_id).
  5. fields specifies the fields to be shown in the inline, if fields is omitted, then all fields of the related model will be shown.

This will finally generate a <ReferenceManyField> with a list of all the related items.

NOTE: The inlines will only be generated on the Show and Edit components. The Edit inlines will include edit buttons on the right side of an entry.

Sortable Fields

All fields in the list views are considered not sortable unless specified in the x-detail-page-definitions as such:

"x-detail-page-definitions": {
  "category": {
    "inlines": [
        "model": "pet",
        "rest_resource_name": "pets",
        "label": "Pets",
        "key": "category_id",
        "fields": [
    "sortable_fields": [
  "pet": {
    "sortable_fields": [

Responsive Fields

If you would like a resource list view to support a response view specify the fields you would like in the x-detail-page-definitions as such:

"x-detail-page-definitions": {
  "category": {
    "inlines": [
        "model": "pet",
        "rest_resource_name": "pets",
        "label": "Pets",
        "key": "category_id",
        "fields": [
    "sortable_fields": [
  "pet": {
    "sortable_fields": [
    "responsive_fields": {
      "primary": "name",
      "secondary": "status",
      "tertiary": "id"

This will use the suggested implementation

List Filters

List filters are all generated in and additional file Filters.js. In order to generate filters, the path in charge of dictating the list component must contain optional query parameters. These will be noticed by the generator and added to the list components filter props. Taking from the pet specification established above we have:

"get": {
  "operationId": "pet_list",
  "parameters": [
      "description": "An Optional Filter by pet_id.",
      "in": "query",
      "name": "pet_id",
      "required": false,
      "type": "integer"
      "description": "A name for a given pet.",
      "in": "query",
      "name": "name",
      "required": false,
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 3
      "description": "A date range filter for pet date of birth",
      "in": "query",
      "name": "date_of_birth",
      "required": false,
      "type": "string",
      "x-aor-filter": {
        "format": "date",
        "range": true
  "produces": [
  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "",
      "schema": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/pet"
  "tags": []

Here we have one parameter named pet_id. This parameter is given in the query. This will generate a filter component for Pet list with a single filter option, many can be added to the parameters for more filter options. The filter type/format is important for the component to be used and maps to the table as given above in the Definition Configuration section. Also each query parameter can have a minLength attribute which will dictate in the restClient.js to only query when the minimum length of input has been typed in that filter.

NOTE: Array filters are handled however come automatically with a CSV format parser on the TextField input, and when the items are labeld as integer type, a validation on the input is given. The text field parsing will automatically turn all special characters to , in order to follow the CSV input requirement.

Different Filter Inputs

One can specify the use of a custom input component with the extra attribute x-aor-filter. Here is an example of an x-aor-filter:

"x-aor-filter": {
  "format": "date",
  "range": true

The format attribute will override the type in the parameter with the type you would like to use and you can specify if you would like it to be a range based input. PLEASE NOTE only types of date and date-time have available custom range inputs, so specifying range for another type with fail. The format attribute is REQUIRED however range defaults to false.

  • This uses the same input component, however it will be given additional props to use date-time inputs for the from and to range inputs rather than the standard date inputs.

Relation Filter Dropdowns

If you would like a filter to be a dropdown selection of a related model rather than just a text/number input, add the previously mentioned x-related-info to the parameter. The only 2 attributes used with the x-related-info on a filter parameter, are rest_resource_name and label.

NOTE If you would like to not include a parameter as a filter, add the following to the parameter definition:

x-admin-on-rest-exlude: true


You can have a permissions setup on your AOR generated code. For this you can set the flag --permissions when running the generator. To handle permissions in your swagger specification, add a x-aor-permissions array to each one of the list, create, update and delete methods specified above in your specifcation at the operationId level. An example is shown below:

"operationId": "pet_list",
"x-aor-permissions": [

It can be seen that permission to get a pet list from the API will require the user to have all the permissions listed in the x-aor-permissions array.

When the permission flag is set on generation, a file PermissionsStore.js will be created which instantiates a PermissionsStore instance that can be imported into any of your files has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
loadPermissions(userPermissions) Given an array of the current user's permissions, create flags for each resource permission based on what the user has permission to do
getResourcePermission(resource, permission) Get the resource permission flag for the user.
permissionFlags The permission flags mapping that is populated after loadPermissions has been loaded.

All the generated resources will utilize this PermissionsStore to check if the corresponding resource permission flag is true/false to show/hide the given component (uses getResourcePermissions(resource, permission)), therefore import the PermissionsStore and on login RUN loadPermissions(userPermissions) supplying your user permissions. IF you do not load in the current user permissions the first time, an error will occur when trying to retrieve a permission flags on loading the admin.


If I have the single pet_list operation with the permissions listed above and a user with the permissions ["pet:read"], when the PermissionsStore is loaded, then the following permissionFlags object will be created and used with the getResourcePermission function:

  pets: [object Object] {
    list: true

If the user has the permissions ["owner:read"] then the above flag will be false.

NOTE: If an endpoint has no permissions listed, it is assumed that all users have permission to perform API call.

Generated code formatting

The generated code will not be pretty due to the templates being quite difficult to keep good formatting. Therefore a suggestion would be to add a shell script to run after generating:

# A script to run prettier on all generated admin js files before melding.

FILES=`find ./{your_generated_directory} -type f -name '*.js'`
for file in $FILES
yarn prettier --write --single-quote --tab-width 4 --print-width 100 "$file"

Make sure you have installed the npm package prettier.

TODOS (What would be cool as well)

  • Fix up templates folder/file organization, thus resulting in some minor code changes. (Neatening up).
  • Update restClient.js and authClient.js to work out the box for a standard JSON rest server. (Currently a bit too specific for some projects I used the tool for).
  • Add more range based filter types (like integer/number range).


Convert Swagger specifications into a simple Admin on Rest client.






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