I'm a student and a core team member at Django India. I have a strong passion for developing scalable and efficient web applications using Python and Django. Here are some key details about me:
- Name: Prakhar Mehrotra
- Role: Student and Core Team Member at Django India
- Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSQL
- Projects:
- Agriconnect: A platform to connect farmers and buyers directly.
- Chatroom: A real-time chat application.
- ReadmeFile Generator: A tool to generate beautiful README files for GitHub repositories.
I'm currently focused on improving my skills in backend development and contributing to open-source projects. I'm also exploring new technologies and frameworks to stay updated with the latest trends in the tech world.
- GitHub: prakkhar03
- LinkedIn: Prakhar Mehrotra
- Portfolio: prakkhar03's Portfolio
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect. I'm always open to discussing new ideas and opportunities.
Thank you for visiting my profile! Have a great day! π