This repository contains a MATLAB
implementation of the box counting method for approximating the fractal dimension of an image.
For obtaining the fractal dimension of an image and the corresponding plot, run (from the command window):
>> getfractaldim(imgfile, boxwidth_start, boxwidth_end, boxwidth_incr)
where imgfile
is the image filename, boxwidth_start
, boxwidth_end
and boxwidth_incr
are the start, end and increment values of the box side lengths (in px) for multiple iterations.
For obtaining the grid lines overlaid on the image, for a specific boxwidth, run:
>> drawgrid(imgfile, boxwidth)
where imgfile
is the image filename (must be a character array), and boxwidth
is the side length of one grid box (in px).
- What is fractal dimension?
A fractal dimension is a ratio providing a statistical index of complexity comparing how detail in a pattern changes with the scale at which it is measured. In general, fractal dimensions help to show how scaling changes a model or modeled object.
- What does it measure?
Fractal dimension is a measure of how complex a figure is, which is sometimes intuitively explained as how rough it is, when zooming in on the figure extensively. In another sense, it captures a notion of how many points lie in a given set. Even though a plane and a line have uncountable points each, a plane is larger than a line, whereas something like the Vicsek fractal that we will see subsequently, lies somewhere in between. Fractal dimension captures this notion nicely. The mathematical formulation of the fractal dimension specifies this idea clearly.
D = \frac{\ln{N}}{\ln{S}}
As an example, for the Vicsek Fractal,
Fig 1. Vicsek Fractal.
The box counting method is a technique for approximating the fractal dimension of an object. In essence, it can be viewed as zooming in or out of the image, to observe how detail changes with scale. However, in this technique, rather than changing the magnification of the image itself, we alter the size of the element used to inspect the image, by varying the box width.
Fractal dimension can be approximated by the box counting method using the relation given below :
D = \frac{\ln{N_{boxes}}}{\ln{1/r}}
On plotting a graph between
We demonstrate the box counting method using a sample image of the Vicsek fractal, the fractal dimension of which as shown previously is 1.4649.
First, we attempt to do this by hand-counting the number of boxes containing a portion of the image, for varying box widths.
![]() Box width = 60px Box count = 36 |
![]() Box width = 100px Box count = 21 |
![]() Box width = 140px Box count = 12 |
![]() Box width = 180px Box count = 8 |
Now, the points on the
We find the slope
On running getfractaldim.m
for box widths varying from 1px to 200px, with an increment of 7px in box width for every iteration, we obtain the following graph.
Fig 2. Box counting estimation for fractal dimension
The solid black points represent our observations and the green line is a best fit line estimation for the observed points. This line is obtained using least squares linear regression. The fractal dimension is roughly approximated as the slope of this best fit line. The slope obtained of this line is 1.440.
Hence, our revised estimate for fractal dimension is 1.440, which is much closer to the actual value of 1.4649 than the estimate we had obtained by hand calculation.
This implementation of box counting employs a dynamic programming approach for calculating the number of boxes containing at least one pixel of the image boundary (black pixels).