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This repo contains source code for my homepage at

You may be looking for source of my resume.

Build Status Greenkeeper badge

Deploy to Netlify


  • Install packages. Use npm install, or yarn install if you use yarnpkg.
  • Build site using npm run build. The static content will be in public directory.
  • To use live-reload and in-built dev server, use npm run start.
  • Tests are written using mocha and chai. Use npm run test to run them.

More info

The resume is built using a combination of pugjs template and brunch hooks. Content is structured in a yaml file, which is transformed using demi. During transformation, the markdown in yaml is rendered to html, date-times are parsed and formatted to more human readable format, and then passed to the template which renders a static html.

Thanks to Netlify for powering this website. They're awesome!
