This repository contains ROS based implementation files prepared as a part of assignment submissions pertaining to AuE893_Spring2020 at Clemson University
- All packages were developed on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine runnning ROS Kinetic.
- The file structure of this repository is compatible to a ROS-Kinetic file system. Thus all packages contain repsective src, dev and other folders required for running them.
- Each package contains its own file which an in depth description of its functionality and the commands used to run these packages.
1. TurtleBot and Gazebo/Rviz implimentations
b. Line and Apriltag following
2. Only Gazebo/Rviz Implementations
a. Behaviour planning for autonomous mode switching
3. Turtlesim Implementations
Obstacle avoidance | Apriltag tracking | Line-follower |