Micrograd C is a lightweight implementation of automatic differentiation (autograd) in C, inspired by the Python micrograd library by Andrej Karpathy. This project provides a simple computational graph with backwpropagation support, allowing for gradient computation in basic mathematical operations.
- Automatic gradient computation
- Support for basic operations:
- Addition
- Multiplication
- ReLU activation
- Recursive backpropagation
- Memory management for computational graphs
- Interactive demonstration of autograd concepts
- GCC or Clang compiler
- Standard C library
- Math library (
when compiling)
Compile the program using:
gcc -o micrograd micrograd.c -lm
Run the program and follow the interactive prompts:
The program will guide you through:
- Entering input values
- Selecting a computation type
- Displaying computational results
- Showing gradients
- Printing the computational graph
- Multiplication + Addition + ReLU
- Only Multiplication
- Only Addition
The implementation creates a computational graph that tracks:
- Node values
- Gradients
- Operation types
- Gradient requirements
struct: Core data structure for computational graph nodes- Backpropagation methods for different operations
- Memory management functions
- Computational graph visualization
Welcome to Micrograd C - An Autograd Demonstration
Enter first input value: 2
Enter second input value: 3
Enter bias value: 1
Select computation type:
1. Multiplication + Addition + ReLU
2. Only Multiplication
3. Only Addition
Enter your choice (1-3): 1
Computational Results
Output: 7.00
Input1 gradient: 3.00
Input2 gradient: 2.00
Bias gradient: 1.00
- Currently supports a limited set of operations
- Minimal error handling
- Designed for educational purposes
Inspired by the original micrograd implementation by Karpathy in Python.