This is an unofficial Java wrapper for the Wazirx exchange REST API + Websocket collection.
Wazirx Java connector is a set of helper methods to connecto with platform via APIs and Websocket.
Generate API KEY from Wazirx website using the
Download the Wazirx Connector jar file and include it in your project.
// Importing the rest client class
// Initialize the client object
Client client = new Client(apiKey, apiSecret);
// Test connectivity by sending ping;
// Get system status
// Get server time
// Get exchange info
// 24hr tickers price change statistics
// 24hr ticker price change statistics for a symbol : here symbol name(example "btcinr" or one of the symbols from exchange info method)
// Order book : limit value Valid limits:[1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000]
client.depth(symbolName, limit)
// Recent trades list : limit value Default 500; max 1000.
client.trades(symbolName, limit)
// Old trade lookup (Market Data)
client.historicalTrades(symbolName, limit)
// Account Information
// Get funds info
// Create authentication token for websocket connection
// Create order
* side : buy/sell
* type : limit/stop_limit
* In case of limit : quantity and price are mandatory
* In case of stop_limit : quantity, price and stopPrice are mandatory
client.createOrder(symbolName, side, type, quantity, price, stopPrice);
// Create test order - Same as client.createOrder but only validating the order
client.createOrder(symbolName, type, quantity, price, stopPrice);
// Query an order - Using orderId received from client.createOrder method
// Open orders search
* symbolName : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any symbol
* orderId : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any orderId
client.openOrders(symbolName, orderId)
// All orders search
* symbolName : Mandatory.
* orderId : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any orderId
* startTime : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any startTime
* endTime : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any endTime
* limit : Optional. Can be null if search doesn't involve any limit
client.allOrders(symbolName, orderId, startTime, endTime, limit)
// Cancel an order
client.cancelOrder(symbolName, orderId)
// Cancel All Open Orders on a Symbol