Using Earth System Models: A Tutorial
This is a link to a YouTube channel that contains the videos of this tutorial. This repository contains the python, MATLAB, and bash codes that are covered in these videos. These videos are as follows:
1.1 A short introduction
1.2 Sea surface height and Loop Current as an example
2.1 CMIP6 data search on ESGF, PRIMAVERA and CEDA
2.2 Installing Anaconda, Python, Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab and spyder on Windows 10
2.3 CMIP6 data download using python for a single-model
2.4 CMIP6 data download using python for a single-model ensemble
2.5 CMIP6 data download using python for a multi-model ensemble
2.6 Quick netCDF data access and visualization with Panoply
2.7 Reading netCDF file information and accessing data with MATLAB
2.8 Reading netCDF file information and accessing data with python
2.9 Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL/WSL2) and Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
2.10 Overview on E3SM land, river, atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice model components
2.11 E3SM data download from ESGF using Linux bash with curl
3.1 Introduction to netCDF Operators (NCO) toolbox
3.2 Slice data to a geographical region by longitude and latitude using NCO
3.3 Slice data to a geographical region by cell index using NCO
3.4 Slice and append data to a time period using NCO
3.5 Re-grid E3SM native grid data to latitude and longitude using NCO
3.6 Handling AWI-CM native grid with variable resolution using pyfesom
3.7 Dynamic latitude and longitude attributes and grid information
3.8 bash scripting to slice and append netCDF data for multiple models
4.1 Plot netCDF geographical data with python using Basemap
4.2 Animate a time sequence of netCDF geographical data with python using Pillow
4.3 python functions for processing and visualization modules of multiple models
4.4 Plot netCDF geographical data with MATLAB using geoshow
5.1 A case study of sea surface height, Loop Current, and red tide in Florida
5.2 Digitize geographical coordinates of a segment from a map image using Google Earth
5.3 Extract data from a netCDF file at geographical coordinates with python using numpy
5.4 Create time series of netCDF data with python using pandas
5.5 Visualize time series data with python using matplotlib
5.6 Ensemble mean, range, and confidence interval of time series data