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Releases: prestonlab/fprep

fPrep 1.2.0

23 Jul 21:29
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This version adds a script to create anatomical masks of many common regions of interest based on FreeSurfer segmentation.


  • Generate common anatomical masks using

fPrep 1.1.0

15 Jul 17:40
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This version adds scripts to transform anatomical images, apply smoothing and filtering to functional images, and some minor maintenance-related changes.


  • Transformation of anatomical images to functional space using
  • Smoothing and temporal filtering of functional images using smooth_susan


  • Updated and streamlined build configuration
  • Use scikit-learn dependency instead of deprecated sklearn

fPrep 1.0.0

31 Jan 05:20
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This release finishes adding the complete original preprocessing pipeline. It has been tested with the sample dataset to ensure that it finishes successfully. See for the dependency versions used for testing.

The pipeline performs the following:

  • Conversion of images from DICOM to NIfTI format.
  • Basic preprocessing of functional data, including motion correction and quality assurance.
  • Basic preprocessing of anatomical data, including FreeSurfer.
  • Unwarping and registration of functional data.

fPrep 0.1.1

25 Jan 21:13
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This version adds a Zenodo configuration for easier archiving.

fPrep 0.1.0

25 Jan 21:11
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This initial release adds utilities for converting DICOM files, reorganizing NIfTI files, and basic preprocessing of anatomical and functional scans.