Stories, Emails and Notes in Prezly are using structured document format to store the content.
Using structured content gives lots of advantages over traditional HTML markup: structured content can be easily extended to allow embedding images, galleries, contact cards and file attachments right into the content itself. While being possible to present the content in different mediums: web, email, markdown, plaintext, PDF and so on.
Images, files attachments, videos and all the various types embedded content are stored directly in the content document.
Please refer to Prezly Developer Portal for additional information on using Prezly API.
Every object in a Prezly Content Format document is a Node
type Node = Element | Text;
There are two core types of nodes: Text and Element.
object is representing a portion of text with styling information:interface Text { text: string; // styling bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; underlined?: boolean; subscript?: boolean; superscript?: boolean; }
objects represent any kind of rich content in a document (block or inline). All elements are required to havetype
property, plus additional properties specific to the given Element type:interface Element { type: string; }
Some elements may be composed of other nodes and therefore have
array property:interface ComposedElement extends Element { children: Node[]; }
– the object containing the whole content structure. All top-level nodes inside a document are always block-level Elements.interface Document extends ComposedElement { type: 'document'; version: string; children: Element[]; }
There is a number of block and inline elements our editor can generate.
- AttachmentNode
- BookmarkNode
- ContactNode
- CoverageNode
- DividerNode
- EmbedNode
- GalleryNode
- HeadingNode
- HtmlNode
- ImageNode
- LinkNode
- ListNode
- MentionNode
- ParagraphNode
- QuoteNode
- StoryBookmarkNode
- VariableNode
- VideoNode
"version": "0.50",
"type": "document",
"children": [
"type": "heading-one",
"children": [
"text": "5 Reasons to Start Using Prezly for Media Relations"
"type": "paragraph",
"children": [
"text": "Learn about our media relations software that helps manage media contacts, create online newsrooms, develop visual press releases and much more."
"type": "image-block",
"href": "",
"file": {
"version": 2,
"uuid": "5cb61330-1b4d-48a8-ba28-b7e1f23b001a",
"filename": "usage stats.png",
"mime_type": "image/png",
"size": 682301,
"original_width": 1024,
"original_height": 768,
"effects": []
"layout": "expanded",
"width": "100%",
"children": [
"text": "Usage stats for Q1 2021"
"type": "heading-two",
"children": [
"text": "Save Time & Improve Media Relations",
"bold": true
"type": "paragraph",
"children": [
"text": "At Prezly we focus on making your day-to-day work more fluid, saving you time, all while helping you improve your media relations."
This content can be rendered into HTML, Markdown or any other format you may need using renderers.
// TODO: Link renderers implementation
Brought to you with ❤️ by Prezly — PR software for better, faster communication.