What's Changed
- Fix: Dropdown/Select(#17178) Marked as dirty on start by @mark7p in #17179
- Fix 17096: Updated examples to remove 'undefined' from
type.Patch 1 by @Wendelstein7 in #17191 - Fixed #17080 | Panel: toggle button is not rounded, missing p-button-… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17195
- Fix: V18 Editable Dropdown(#17110) Placeholder bug by @mark7p in #17116
- Fixed #17087 | ConfirmDialog: icon has wrong size by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17205
- fix: Removed apostrophe typo by @KraftyKaleb in #17149
- add missing semi-colon in radiobutton material style by @honboubao in #17188
- add glob flag to rimraf call in clean command for windows compatibility by @honboubao in #17187
- Fixed #17208 | CascadeSelect: Incorrect type for optionGroupChildren … by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17212
- fix: handle otp keyboard filling by @luca-peruzzo in #16987
- feat: Move showAll option to the end of options by @qwadrox in #17101
- #17132 Fix link would not work in Tree by @qwadrox in #17153
- Fixes #17143 Autocomplete emptyMessage not shown by @qwadrox in #17147
- Fix: Tag v19 (#17181): Remove deprecation warning from icon-property of TagComponent by @sandrotonon in #17182
- #17130 Dropdown: Fix search by @qwadrox in #17168
- fixed #17193: fixed rendering of dynamic dialog content by @rosenthalj in #17194
- Fix: ToggleButton(#17209) Missing ToggleButtonChangeEvent export by @mark7p in #17214
- Fix #17206 - calendar next button user template by @Delagen in #17207
- Fix: InputNumber(#17169) InputNumber marked dirty on blur by @mark7p in #17213
- Update LTS version details and lifecycle table by @MichiBaum in #17173
- fix: #17171 Fix tree inline style overridde by @aimanicose in #17172
- fix: #17032 listbox with checkbox random click behavior by @mtrefzer in #17167
- Fix: Dropdown(#17112) Autoscroll Bug by @mark7p in #17118
- Enhancement: Add Dynamic Input Values Support to DynamicDialog by @nesgarbo in #17037
- fix listbox header checkbox and filter alignment by @honboubao in #17190
- fix: #17220, Select: Editable Dropdown search not working as expected. by @akshayaqburst in #17221
- Fix: Dynamic Dialog not being properly destroyed on close by @stewieoO in #17123
- Docs: Table Size(#17113) Update Size Documentation by @mark7p in #17119
- Fix #17218 by @Indragith20 in #17219
New Contributors
- @KraftyKaleb made their first contribution in #17149
- @honboubao made their first contribution in #17188
- @Delagen made their first contribution in #17207
- @MichiBaum made their first contribution in #17173
- @aimanicose made their first contribution in #17172
- @mtrefzer made their first contribution in #17167
- @nesgarbo made their first contribution in #17037
- @stewieoO made their first contribution in #17123
- @Indragith20 made their first contribution in #17219
Full Changelog: 19.0.1...19.0.2