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Priyanka Shanmugasundaram

Project Description

This project has several routes that help a user input movies into the database, visualize ratings for a genre of movies, and look at top rated movies in the database.

How to run

  1. install all requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. then you should run with python runserver
  3. follow the Flask app routes as written below to get to each page

How to use

  1. Follow the routes to get to each part of the application - links to most routes are in the index, or explained in the index.
  2. To input movies, you must still use the route from Project 3.
  3. After some movies are added, the other links will be more useful (all movies, all directors, top movies, ratings visualized)

Routes in this application

  • / -> the index, where you can click on links to (newly added for Final Project)
  • /all_movies -> a list of all movies in database, part of Project 3
  • /all_directors -> a list of all directors in database, part of Project 3
  • /top_movies -> this route lists all movies that have an imdb rating of 8 or above, newly added for Final Project
  • /ratings/visualized -> this route shows a histogram with the distribution of ratings within the database, newly added for Final Project
  • /movie/new/<title>/<genre>/<director>/<rating> -> takes an input to add a movie to the database, part of Project 3.

How to run tests

  1. First install requirements.txt
  2. Run the

In this repository:

  • templates
    • index.html
    • all_movies.html
    • all_directors.html
    • forms.html
  • movies.db
  • DB Schema.png
  • homepage_links.PNG -> screenshot to show what the app looks like when working
  • ratings_visualized.PNG -> screenshot to show what the app looks like when working

Code Requirements for Grading

Please check the requirements you have accomplished in your code as demonstrated.

  • This is a completed requirement.
  • This is an incomplete requirement.

Below is a list of the requirements listed in the rubric for you to copy and paste. See rubric on Canvas for more details.


  • Project is submitted as a Github repository
  • Project includes a working Flask application that runs locally on a computer (not every route works, but yes)
  • Includes a clear and readable that follows this template
  • Includes a sample .sqlite/.db file
  • Includes a diagram of your database schema
  • Includes EVERY file needed in order to run the project
  • Includes screenshots and/or clear descriptions of what your project should look like when it is working

Flask Application

  • Includes at least 3 different routes
  • View/s a user can see when the application runs that are understandable/legible for someone who has NOT taken this course
  • Interactions with a database that has at least 2 tables
  • At least 1 relationship between 2 tables in database
  • Information stored in the database is viewed or interacted with in some way

Additional Components (at least 6 required)

  • Use of a new module (PyPlot)
  • Use of a second new module (Seaborn)
  • Object definitions using inheritance (indicate if this counts for 2 or 3 of the six requirements in a parenthetical)
  • A many-to-many relationship in your database structure
  • At least one form in your Flask application
  • Templating in your Flask application
  • Inclusion of JavaScript files in the application
  • Links in the views of Flask application page/s
  • Relevant use of itertools and/or collections
  • Sourcing of data using web scraping
  • Sourcing of data using web REST API requests
  • Sourcing of data using user input and/or a downloaded .csv or .json dataset
  • Caching of data you continually retrieve from the internet in some way


  • I included a link to my GitHub repository with the correct permissions on Canvas! (Did you though? Did you actually? Are you sure you didn't forget?)
  • I included a summary of my project and how I thought it went in my Canvas submission!