Dashboard to visualize Covid19 India Data, with User login/Registration.
The Covid Dashboard system has mainly 3 components.
- The UI is written mainly using ReactJS library, and it exposes few endpoins like
to interact with system. - Backend API is written in Spring boot and handles below major operations:
- Providing user registration and login endpoints, which uses jwt based authentication and Role based Authorization.
- Pools data from covid data provider API and persists in DB.
- Performs database setup tasks like setting up Roles, creating tables using JPA etc.
- Details of each api call is saved as postman request in
folder of this repository.
- The database component is a basic postgres server with public schema
- Setup postgres server with default public schema and database name as
, we'll use it to persist api data. - Create below env variables with appropriate values in the system where you want to run
hostname or ip addressCOVID_DB_USER
: Database user having admin priviledgeCOVID_DB_PASS
: Password forCOVID_DB_USER
: Some unique string which will be used to encrypt user information in JWT. e.g,adfnhjsnvnvnnvfnknsvnkjlnvzjnfvnzsln
you get it anything which an attacker cant guess easily.API_HOST
: Host address of server where our Backend API will be running. We'll use this address to setup UI-Dashboard
- After cloning this repo, follow below steps(basic steps for a maven based project):
cd covid-data-provider mvn clean package java -jar target\covid-data-provider-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- The service will create appropriate tables in Database and load initial data
- [Optional] There are few configurations in
which you can tweak to control the setup, viz:covid19india.timeTravelMinusDays
: number of past days to skip from today, it's needed as in some cases covid19india API does not get updated regularly.2
is a good value for this propertycovid19india.pastDataInNumberOfDays
: total number of days we want to pull data from covid19india API. As whole API data polling might take a while as the covid19india API consists data starting from Feb'2020.auth.jwtExpirationMs
: jwt token expiry duration in Milliseconds, from the instant it's been genearted through/signin
- Update
configured in Step 2 from filedashboard\src\_api\covid-internal\internalapi.js
- Now you can run UI Dashboard using below commands:
cd dashboard npm install npm run start
- Visit default url
to login/signup a new user.- Upon successful login you'll be presented with dashboard, where you can select date/state/district to view data/graph.
- The graphs/Cards show data based on only state/ state->district as selected.
- On any failure you'll be redirect back to login page to login again. The dashboard-ui don't store any token to local-storage/cookies because of security issues, and that's why multitab/ reload operation will force you to login again.
- YOu can logout by clicking top-right corner user icon and by selecting Logout option.
- Here's a sample screenshot of Dashboard:
- On API startup it'll log admin-key in terminal, which can be used to create user having
, as shown in below screenshot. (This need to be refactored for an horizontally scalable deployment, future: implementation should be get the admin key from some auto-updating key configuration server, reason: this feature will fail for horizontal scalling)- An ADMIN user can decode any users jwt token using
endpoint.(Useful in debugging)
- An ADMIN user can decode any users jwt token using
- OpenAPI spec are available at
- Users can signup using:
- mandatory: email, password
- optional: username, dob, country
- future: oauth github, google
- User can login using:
- mandatory: username/email and password.
- After login in User can view dashboard
- After login in User can view profile page.
- future: User can update user-props like default_state, so that
- After login User can logout
- future: Admin dashboard
- for root Admin: to manage/add new admins/moderators
- Covid API data puller -- Done
- Login/Signup Page -- Done
- Dashboard -- Done
- Admin user create -- Done
- Update state-name from some other api, as covid19india API don't provide full name of states -- future
- Profile page -- future
- GraphQL Endpoint for state/district data- Enhancements -- future
- Error page for unintended error -- future
- forgot password use-case -- future
- email : String, notnull
- password : char[] , notnull
- username : String , nullable
- roles: String[]
- confirmed: Long
- deceased: Long
- recovered: Long
- tested: Long
- date: LocalDate
- id: Long
- name: String
- counts: Counts[]
- stateCode: String
- id: Long
- name: String
- counts: Counts[]
- stateId: Long
- sub -> username
- iss -> issued Date
- exp -> auth.jwtExpirationMs in app.yaml
- Covid India Data API: https://www.covid19india.org/
- Saved calls for covid19india: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/2afb23eddb8accf94c3e (Import this json in postman)
- API request Validations
- encode signup/login request data with base64, url-escaping
- setup CSRF token validations, remove @CrossOrigin("*")
- Scheduler if API running for 1+ day
- Include overall country data for India for deafult dashboard screen.
- Make mobile/tablet/Large screen specific responsive through CSS.
- default error page with login redirect
- Add statenames for statecode in Database by caling some other expernal API
- set selectable date range in date picker and graph
- add icons to tiles
- add license / contributing guide
- deploy to public url through Github CD, and use
to provide ssl to API - Structurize UI Components