This project uses the Inception V3 neural network for TensorFlow machine learning framework to build a graph model of clean, dirty and busy rooms.
It is based on the Use Artificial Intelligence to Detect Messy/Clean Rooms! guide by Matt Farley, which in term are based on the TensorFlow image retraining and image recognition examples.
Train the neural network, resulting in the graph model and found labels (best to do this on a fast computer):
pip install -r requirements-label.txt
python \
--image_dir $TRAINING_IMAGES \
--output_graph=deep-clean-graph.pb \
--output_labels=deep-clean-labels.txt \
Label a test image. Best practice is to use an image that was not used during training.
python \
--graph=deep-clean-graph.pb \
--labels=deep-clean-labels.txt \
--input_layer=Placeholder \
--output_layer=final_result \
Install dependencies on a Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
pip3 install -r requirements-server.txt
Run the server:
TODO: create a service