water level control system using ESP8266 and HC-SR04 complete demonstration and setup details in this YouTube video: watch->like->subscribe-> https://youtu.be/KK4ebz8kvqs
Step 1:
you need a cylindrical tank and measure its capacity in liters, may use this tool for that http://aqua.ucdavis.edu/Calculations/Volume_of_a_Cylindrical_Tank.htm if don't have cylidrical tank, then need to modify code accordingly.
relay connected to water pump, nodemcu pin D4
hc sr04 TRIG connected to D1 and Echo connected to D2 through a voltage divider, (1k,2k)
Step 2:
modify these two lines as per capacity in FusionCharts.ready() function "lowerLimit": "0", "upperLimit": "15",
modify slider paramters as per capacity and default settings max: 16, min: 0, range: true, values: [3, 12],
you can locate these settings inside $("#flat-slider-vertical-1").slider(
html file is already included in Arduino sketch, you can modify these paramters inside arduino sketch.
create new adafruit IO feed and name it as 'waterLevel'
uncomment these two lines in sketch and write your wifi ssid/password
/const char ssid = "ssid";
const char* password = "password";*/
also uncomment and write here your own adafruit IO username and key.
//#define AIO_USERNAME "programmer5"//replace it with your username
//#define AIO_KEY "6e5fd35c936743808ceae4e101f6cbd1"//replace it with your key
uncomment these lines as well, write radius of tank and total height in units of inches,
//#define RADIUS 5.5
//#define MAX_HEIGHT 10
modify this line if you have to connect relay to some pin other than D4
Connect trig of ultrasonic sensor at D1 and echo at D2, modify this line otherwise
UltraSonicDistanceSensor distanceSensor(D1,D2); //D1 trig, D2=echo
these are default water level limits, these values will be applied on reset until user sends new limits from webpage.
int waterLevelLowerThreshold=3;
int waterLevelUpperThreshold=12;
Need to install this HCSR04 library: https://github.com/Martinsos/arduino-lib-hc-sr04