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Publish /fr/lecons/gestion-manipulation-donnees-r #4139

Publish /fr/lecons/gestion-manipulation-donnees-r

Publish /fr/lecons/gestion-manipulation-donnees-r #4139

Workflow file for this run

# This is the name of the workflow that will show up in Github Actions Tab
name: build_programming_historian
# This is where we specify when to automatically run our action. In this case we want to run it on pull_requests and specific triggers. You can read more about these event triggers in the Github Docs
types: [ assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened, closed ]
# This is where we list all of our jobs that will run in the build sequence
# First we specify build platform and then checkout the repository
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Next we setup our installation of Ruby but only if the PR event is not closing the PR (don't need to build twice since Github builds on merge to gh-pages).
- name: 💎 setup ruby
if : github.event.action != 'closed'
uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: 2.6
bundler-cache: true # runs 'bundle install' and caches installed gems automatically
# We then check if we can build our Jekyll site (all this logic is built-in with Jekyll and this prevents us from merging in any syntax errors).
- name: Jekyll build
if : github.event.action != 'closed'
run: |
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll build
# Next we check all the links in our site to make sure we aren't pushing up broken links.
- name: Check HTML
uses: zoeleblanc/htmlproofer@master
if : github.event.action != 'closed'
directory: "./_site"
# The directory to scan
arguments: --assume-extension --empty-alt-ignore --alt-ignore "/.*/" --file-ignore "/assets/,/retired/,/retirada/,/retrait/,/posts/" --timeframe "30d" --only-4xx --http-status-ignore 429,403,400 --url-ignore "/*/,/*/,/*/,/\#/,/espanol/,/deprecated/,/,/,/," --allow-hash-href
# The arguments to pass to HTMLProofer
# Finally if we are successful in building, we trigger a rebuild of our search index in the search-index repository
- name: Trigger next workflow
if: success() && github.event.action == 'closed'
uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
repository: programminghistorian/search-index
event-type: trigger-search-build
client-payload: '{"ref": "${{ github.ref }}", "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"}'