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Phase 4 Open Peer Review

Anisa Hawes edited this page Apr 21, 2023 · 3 revisions
Title Phase 4 Open Peer Review
Section Overview
Who's responsible? : Reviewers + Editor
Expected timeframe? : 60 days
Section Process
About : In our view, Phase 4 is integral to publishing collaborative, productive, and sustainable lessons. : Open peer review helps maintain civility in the academic community and supports the productive sharing of ideas : In the spirit of openness, peer review discussion takes place within the Issue’s comments thread unless an author specifically requests a closed review. 
Launch : Ask both reviewers to provide/set up their Github @username so they can contribute : Introduce the reviewers to the author(s) by tagging them in a comment : Explain that you’ve already provided initial feedback on the lesson, and worked with the author to complete a first revision : Share the URL which directs to the live preview, so the reviewers can read the lesson in their browsers : Share our Reviewer Guidelines : Mention that members of our wider community are also invited to offer feedback : Remind all participants of our Code of Conduct. : Agree on a timeframe with the reviewers to return their comments — a month is usually reasonable.
Develop : Ask reviewers to post their feedback in the Issue. : When you see that the first review has been posted add a comment to acknowledge it, and say thank you : Remind the author(s) not to make any revisions until both reviews have been posted — the lesson mustn’t change underneath the second reviewer. 
Summarise + Support : After the second review has been posted prepare a response which summarises, reconciles and clarifies the two reviews. : Your role now, is to support the author to agree revisions and define a clear path forward. : Remember that the author may wish to ask the reviewers questions : Some ideas may be absorbed, others may be rejected — that’s okay : Your shared objective is to publish a useful and sustainable technical resource for the community.

Reviewer Guidelines Code of Conduct