Blacklight 4.7.0
Blacklight 4.7.0 provides deprecation warnings and backports of features from Blacklight 5.0. It is the terminal release of Blacklight 4.x. Many of the listed features and deprecations were released as part of Blacklight 4.6 point releases.
#711 Allowing solr query to use either get or post http method based on the http_method configuration parameter
#714 View type should persist between searches
#717 Add configuration options to add_facet_field 'field', :show => to allow "run-time" configuration when the solr data and request context are available, with a couple different options.
Add i18n strings for displaying index and show field labels
Add blacklight_solr and blaclight_solr_config helpers to Blacklight::SolrHelper
Deprecation warnings (including directions for updating to non-deprecated methods) are provided inline and as logged deprecation warnings.
Deprecated classes include:
- FeedbackController
- Mash
Deprecated helpers include:
- sidebar_items
- topbar_items
- default_html_head
- extra_head_content
- stylesheet_links
- javascript_includes
- render_head_content
- render_stylesheet_includes
- render_js_includes
- render_extra_head_content
- adjust_for_results_view
- render_pagination_info
- paginate_params
- paginate_rsolr_response
- adjust_for_results_view
- format_num
- index_field_names
- index_field_labels
- document_show_field_labels
- response_has_no_search_results?
- hash_as_hidden_fields
- citation_title
Other deprecations include:
- Blacklight.solr
- Blacklight.models_dir
- Blacklight.controllers_dir
- Blacklight.jruby?
- Blacklight.locate_path
- Hash#to_mash
- User#has_bookmarks?
- User#has_searches?
- User#documents_to_bookmark=