e7628fa ....跪了
039b686 Dockerfile for opensource
0988836 Merge branch 'bug/connect-docker' into 'master'
20a1cf6 Merge branch 'bug/health-check' into 'master'
f6e48ab Merge branch 'bug/string-format' into 'master'
2a8dd30 Merge branch 'calc_maxmemory' into 'master'
c4a23ee Merge branch 'cli-support' into 'master'
01f3129 Merge branch 'debug' into 'master'
86096bb Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
fed6ea0 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
20a63b1 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
6943054 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
b15fa28 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
4a1bc2b Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
d6f2f95 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
f2bb47f Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
7fbbd5d Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
acd2c80 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
7c6f55d Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
b680674 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
e87b1f5 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
a035f6e Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
36c1de2 Merge branch 'feature/frequent-check-health' into 'master'
2f800e2 Merge branch 'feature/golang-1.8' into 'master'
eca20a0 Merge branch 'feature/test' into 'master'
1b6f5ef Merge branch 'fix' into 'master'
bdc7990 Merge branch 'fix' into 'master'
20afb0d Merge branch 'fix-bug' into 'master'
b052f3e Merge branch 'health-check' into 'master'
6f10104 Merge branch 'health-check' into 'master'
8cff27c Merge branch 'health-check' into 'master'
2c85058 Merge branch 'health-check' into 'master'
dd1a531 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
4948fbe Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
315e4dc Merge branch 'master' of github.com:projecteru2/agent
ba1fd0a Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.ricebook.net:platform/agent
d6bf71a Merge branch 'metric' into 'master'
f93b28c Merge branch 'metric' into 'master'
d87abe0 Merge branch 'new-api' into 'master'
c971564 Merge branch 'new-api' into 'master'
317c430 Merge branch 'new-api' into 'master'
ba02d56 Merge branch 'refactor/govet' into 'master'
b390ea0 Merge branch 'refactor/health-check' into 'master'
231f058 Merge branch 'refactor/health-check' into 'master'
225f2fd Merge branch 'revert-f93b28cd' into 'master'
cb0a8e4 Revert "Merge branch 'metric' into 'master'"
7ac8f01 Revert "add api to set/delete/check vip"
c06a121 add api to set/delete/check vip
a3551f0 add cli supports
9f7941c add configs
53fb097 add discard log writer for agent debug
bedc330 add docker utils
0a3c71d add etcd control
51ff83e add gitlab ci file
69a603b add health check
bfb91ee add job stage
bb8c6e6 add log monitor
c8e4c19 add make binary for eru build, add docs intro agent build & manage by eru
c4d4abf add no healthy container
5df174b add readme
d2ea9a0 add stages
a29cb38 add tcp check
9678a0d add zone in log
8813947 agent log not forward to remote
7c8903c agent should not forward its logs when it dockerized
dbdffa8 agent should start after etcd
5a570da agent without etcd
111cd6a allow change hostname for some test env
72c6a85 attach discards logs exceeding 10M buffer
ab1efd0 auto disable metrics if no transfers
ffdc32e bind container info
e4cf730 bug fix: 计算容器对申请资源的CPU使用率有错
280b333 bugfix writer race condition
743d840 bugfix, healthy should use running as init value
fa7cf12 build binary
e3e94d5 bump VERSION
ca702bc bump version
6cb01ec bump version
4a25f95 bump version for ansible update
7d95b1c calc memory usage percent
cb5eb8d change metric name
2ee4a3f check one container in a separate goroutine
053d042 clean up
92daa3b configurable healthCheck timeout
d53dd70 debug health check
24b1f4a detect cpu automatically
c182b88 detect memory if memory limit not set
ee2a7d8 disable http container control api
303103f do daemon-reload after install
826ec00 do not realloc map after metrics sent
59a7ce3 dockerized agent
165fd20 enable golangci-lint for code check
31ab708 enable golangci-lint, revised by it advise
73883bb enable prometheus api
44cb0ce enable stat
74367ac enable tests
ddf73fd engine unit test
138b1cb eru-agent never die
00e741d eru-agent will die
4327f26 eru2 现在是走 cali 的 prefix 要改一下才能拿到网络的数据
838a64c expire artifacts
bf0f495 feat: journal io
4236432 first version for support prometheus
78f7d3f fix NAN data in container sys/user metrics
c34eb51 fix a bug removing which may cause inconsistency in etcd
8133d54 fix a bug: the format of metric of redis containers
3e46b47 fix bug, when container died, agent will crash
3b7fa8d fix circlr ci
e813161 fix cpu count
1533c10 fix engine_test because io changed
68e09cb fix go get command in the docs
ea5abca fix gopsutils, use original one, however they did not write some functions in not_linux env
32bf1ee fix health_check init value
5d2a959 fix log import
7d2c974 fix nil transfer issue
f616199 fix stats bug
9da2e07 fix stats bug, renew stats after send it
3e22326 fix unittests
e9860e9 fix: race condi.
d07832c format & update glide.yaml
8938d39 format yml
40e1699 fuck etcd 还在这么古老么
4c5d489 get correct container memory and use latest core API
1e31501 get cpu data from cpuacct.usage
9df7a70 gitlab-ci auto build eruagent image
8b223c9 golang 1.8
f5d7277 if log output error, do not output agent's log if agent in container
b617b6a if pid is zero, set container fail
5829aad in golang 1.11 os and user should use go implement by tags
227ebbe init repo
eb8dad0 let it go...
3c70cc4 little fix
aa81046 load container which is created on unexpectable node
dd2ea5c metric unit test
8b32a7b minor improvements over health_check
7ff9850 missing endpoint
1f2ccab missing parameters
5847a44 modify metric name
d9f7f0c more versatile healthcheck
255f270 no more version on container, we set it to labels(extend)
481e91f not update metrics async
9bafe60 optimize tcp_check optimize statd/log connection checking
579f91f pass articfacts
fdd48c8 re-connect if write log failed
8442545 refactor
e3dccdb refactor
272b91e refactor cpu calculate
acb4a2f refactor healcheck
751dbb8 refactor health check (#21)
ae1f18e refactor healthcheck and labels
71165a2 refactor log forward
6249f5c refactor monitor
46b5a1d refactor os.Getxxx
e91fdb5 refactor stats collector
ba27d4a refactor statsd collector
e8d651a release only when tagged
da082eb remove .vscode
da1a1f8 remove Unknown Containers in etcd
c97271f remove docker.socket
df16b46 remove healthcheck flag
aa5a494 remove mkdir
e4c0c1f remove old api
f091e35 remove physical NIC support
f98203d remove status cache, update everytime
7057c2f remove version label in dockerfile
809e765 replace engine-api with docker/client
7c90745 restart eru-agent on failure
4150fae rewrite healthcheck
4856a34 set common file
b280fe5 set log driver to none, if run by docker
3895bf8 set memory correct
3b2380c split user/system metrics
adc7614 store publish as list
19d0bce stupid name
d167058 support latest Core API, store more metas
63fc2f6 support new status API
ee151c2 support show rss memory percent
82f66ce support unlimited containers
299084e switch codacy to latest one
b1b50b7 switch to go module, upgrade go to 1.12.1
92485e1 sync to core master, clean up go mod
f865e4e ttl set to 2*interval+interval/2
6144d7b turn off AttachConfig Log flag (#20)
e167b80 uew dockerfile by eru
4965c80 update README
b7f471f update README, use latest cli
bb5274e update base image, use fill to deploy agent
fd8cbcc update container resource meta when get stats
7829f73 update core apis
28f54cc update core requirements
0eb1689 update err msg
5985756 update eru-core lib
7435eea update glide lock
f7b22b0 update go version
fd58337 update gopsutil to v3
073b2bf update gopsutil version
22d6a35 update onbuild image
56cec75 update requirements
3091943 update requirements
6c7568e update to alpine:3.8
874256e update version
4b440e5 update version
fb9144a update version
699a82d update: 提高日志时间戳精度
9b51989 upgrade go 1.13, use cli and configor
b902f36 use after replace wants
1aad226 use auth interface
3c85401 use cli.v2
66ebaec use context bind attach and logs
866a718 use core GetIP
e70c21a use cpuQuota to calculrate cpu rate
42a5712 use glide
a741241 use glide base
259a828 use go-cache as precheck storage
e55395b use goreleaser to publish
7ae1441 use hard limit
167e9aa use inspect labels data
15bc5d7 use latest core
1bd9f4a use latest core version
70a863b use latest core, reduce logs
861bf46 use latest core, revise SetNodeAvailable to SetNode
48fadd3 use latest log config
4a81fd3 use local ip for host health check
98136e7 use new api, change monitor implement
353dbe4 use new base and make rpm
9c52a3f use new build image
394977d use new core interface
9d7d4c2 use new footstone to make release
390d643 use new healthcheck api
77c04ff use new image
9649762 use new image
845ccd5 use pwd
0282b7d use string type
317f0c5 very frequent healthCheck by default
90c4288 watch agent itself
5ec58b5 wtf, remove go get
1477ee0 修正 status 接口
11bab4f 准备写 watcher
ba0a642 加上了测试和依赖安装的命令
0249ff0 发 metric 的时候不用 container.Extend 了,container.Extend 里面可以保留足够多的信息,要的时候再取就好
63de662 处理好 CPU 和内存了
4933821 大概的架子
edf2a86 如果产生错误就直接 crash 吧
1944029 完成 API 实现
2966574 完成 die 和 destroy
714ede5 完成 metrics
1546a46 完成初步的 watcher
2b09f07 完成网卡处理
e54a644 完成自持
b154a0e 宽容ports格式
99387f1 干掉 container.Extend 里面的 ports 不然监控全都要疯掉
009b734 性能优化
cc0fc2e 把 host 中的 '.' 替换成 '-'
29cb177 改变 cpu_usage_rate 的计算方式
89fa0d5 改同步算了
2863baf 改版本号
953f103 改版本号测试新的打包镜像
fcfc5bf 新上的容器立刻检查
05a53e0 日志部分初步完工
6c5f5a4 监控 start
b9bff12 第一次上容器需要按照条件来设置Healthy
a1925c5 编译通过
5ffb39b 考虑按CPU分配的容器
a99fa69 讲道理应该没问题
29c7246 调整 metric prefix
90ea2cb 调整下 goroutine 的个数
10a7551 调整镜像和 tag
d9ca198 需要区分容器Alive和容器Healthy
02b3a2c 项目规范化, golint, govet