This repository contains Dockerfiles to create new Docker images for checking Coq projects reproducibly.
To create these images, first install Docker. Then follow the instructions below.
# Finish Docker setup if necessary.
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
# Then log out and back in.
# Obtain Docker credentials.
# (This is only necessary once per machine; credentials are cached.)
docker login
The following commands create the Docker images and upload them to the Docker Hub.
# Create image in an empty directory, and upload to Docker Hub.
alias create_upload_docker_image=' \
rm -rf dockerdir && \
mkdir -p dockerdir && \
(cd dockerdir && \
\cp -pf ../Dockerfile-$OS-$COQVER Dockerfile && \
docker build -t $DOCKERID/$OS-$COQVER . && \
docker push $DOCKERID/$OS-$COQVER) && \
rm -rf dockerdir'
export DOCKERID=<DockerID>
export OS=xenial
export COQVER=coq8.5
After creating the Docker images, consider deleting the Docker containers, which can take up a lot of disk space.
To stop and remove/delete all Docker containers:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
or you can just remove some of them.