A lightweight web app development framework in C#
I don't know what features we'll support yet but I'll think of something.
[Get("/hello", "GetHelloEndpoint")]
public HttpResponder Hello()
return HttpResponder.Ok("Hello World");
[Get("/helloasync", "GetHelloAsyncEndpoint")]
public async Task<HttpResponder> HelloAsync()
Task t = new Task(() => Console.WriteLine("This is our first Async Action method"));
await t;
return HttpResponder.Ok("Hello World Async");
[Post("vealpostrequesturl", "MakeVealPostRequest")]
public HttpResponder SendVealRequest([JsonBody] VealRequest request)
var response = new VealResponse { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now, RequestItem = request };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Post("vealpostrequesturl/id/{id:string}", "MakeVealPostRequest")]
public HttpResponder PostWithQuery([PathParameter]string id, [JsonBody] VealRequest request)
var response = new VealResponse {id = id, DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now, RequestItem = request };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Get("vealgetwithparameters/id/{id:string}?name={name:string}&age={age:int}", "MakeVealPostRequest")]
public HttpResponder GetWithParams([PathParameter] string id, [QueryParameter]string name, [QueryParameter]int age)
var response = new { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now, id = id, name = name, age = age };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Post("vealpostrequesturl/id/{id:string}/orders?orderId={orderId:int}&itemId={itemId:long}", "MakeVealPostWithQueryRequest")]
public HttpResponder PostWithQueryPlus([PathParameter] string? id, [QueryParameter] int orderId, [QueryParameter] long itemId, [JsonBody] VealRequest request)
var response = new VealResponse { id = id, orderId = orderId, itemId = itemId, DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now, RequestItem = request };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Get("getwithactionfilter", "GetWithActionFilter")]
public HttpResponder GetWithActionFilter()
var response = new VealResponse { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Get("getwithauthorize", "GetWithAuthorize")]
[Authorize(Defaults.JwtBearerAuthScheme)] //this uses the DefaultAuthHandler, we implemented JwtAuthHandler for you... you can do any other schemes yourself by impelementing the IAuthorizationFilter
public HttpResponder GetWithAuthorize()
var response = new VealResponse { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Get("getwithauthorizedefaultbasicauth", "GetWithAuthorizeCustomAuth")]
[Authorize(Defaults.BasicAuthScheme)] //we made a default implementation for BasicAuth for you...
//you can also make your own:
//[Authorize("Basic", AuthHandlerType = typeof(MyCustomBasicAuthenticationFilter))]
public HttpResponder GetWithAuthorizeDefaultBasicAuth()
var response = new VealResponse { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
[Get("getwithauthorizecustomauth", "GetWithAuthorizeCustomAuth")]
//you can also make your own:
[Authorize("MyCustomAuthScheme", AuthHandlerType = typeof(MyCustomAuthenticationFilter))]
public HttpResponder GetWithAuthorizeCustomAuth()
var response = new VealResponse { DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now };
return HttpResponder.Ok(response);
//Serve static resource
[Get("/", "GetHtmlResource")]
public HttpResponder Index()
//this takes either the HTML content you want to return or a path to it...
return HttpResponder.Html("./index.html");
## Create an HTTPAppServer in your entry method -> Main
var jwtSecret = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("myjwtsecKey");
var app = new HttpAppServer().Bind("http://localhost:8449/")
.AddOptions(x =>
x.AuthenticationConfigurations.Add(new JwtConfigurationOption
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidateLifetime = false,
ValidAudience = "http://localhost",
ClockSkew = TimeSpan.Zero,
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(jwtSecret),
ValidIssuer = "http://localhost",
AuthenticationConfigurations = null,
x.AuthenticationConfigurations.Add(new BasicAuthenticationOption
ValidUsername = "MyStrongUsername@12957#",
ValidPassword = "ThouShallNotPass##@12893"
## Call app.Run() to start listenting for and treating requests.
- Implement PostAttribute for HTTP POST endpoints
- Implement ModelBinding
- We are now able to serve both GET and POST requests via action methods
- We are also able to handle invalid URIs return 404 response
- Veal Post action using Postman
- Veal Post action Using Rest Client on VSCode
- Implement More Routing and support for RouteParameters - Path and Query Parameters
- Implement Route Parameter Attributes and start Parsing Route Params from the action route definition.
- We need a RouteValueDictionary when OnRequest and we are going to try our possible best to avoid Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Routing and in fact any
Microsoft.AspNetCore at all. Let's create something simple and less-complicated for the Veal Framework itself.
- We implemented successfully Route and Query Parameter for Actions.
- Add support for ActionFilters
- Add support for Authentication and Authorization
- Add Configuration Options
- Add support for static files - Veal can now serve HTML files