A simple react portfolio app with a lot of features. Used few libraries for the app. I decided to build this portfolio to learn a lot of features without using too many third party libraries
- Snap scroll
- Tap Menu
- Animated hamburger icon
- Responsive slider
- Animated hamburger icon
- Animated text
fork it in codesandox https://codesandbox.io/s/github/prosper74/portfolio
Or Clone the repository and cd into the project directory
Run npm install
To run locally, run npm start
and copy the build folder to your server
To deploy, run npm run build
and copy the build folder to your server
- React - For Layout
- ityped - For the typing animation
- SCSS - For Styling
Access app via https://dr0eu.csb.app/ Codesandbox link https://codesandbox.io/s/github/prosper74/portfolio
[Prosper Atu]