Puppet module to create backups using tar and transfer backups using rsync.
class { 'ps_rsyncbackup': }
ps_rsyncbackup::backup { 'myname':
backup_source_dir => "/var/www/",
backup_target_dir => "/backups/www/",
backup_rotate => 14,
backup_time_hour => 3,
backup_time_min => 0,
Default values:
$backup_source_dir = $ps_rsyncbackup::params::backup_source_dir, # backup source directory
$backup_target_dir = $ps_rsyncbackup::params::backup_target_dir, # backup target directory
$backup_rotate = 7, # number of backups to keep
$backup_time_hour = 3, # cronjob hour
$backup_time_min = 0, # cronjob minute
$backup_time_day = "*", # cronjob weekday
$backup_user = "root", # user file/cron
$backup_group = "root", # group file/cron
$backup_ensure = "present", # create or remove
$backup_name = $name, # name of backup
Optional values:
$backup_exclude_dir = ["dir1", "dir2"], # exclude directories (array)
$backup_comment = "my comment", # only a comment for you
ps_rsyncbackup::transfer { 'myname':
backup_source_dir => "/var/www/",
backup_target_dir => "/backups/www/",
backup_rotate => 14,
backup_time_hour => 3,
backup_time_min => 0,
Default values:
$backup_source_dir = $ps_rsyncbackup::params::backup_source_dir, # transfer source directory
$backup_target_dir = $ps_rsyncbackup::params::backup_target_dir, # transfer target directory
$backup_source_host = "", # source host ip/name
$backup_time_hour = 3, # cronjob hour
$backup_time_min = 0, # cronjob minute
$backup_time_day = "*", # cronjob weekday
$backup_deleteold = true # delete old files (no longer exists on source)
$backup_rotate = 7, # number of backups to keep (important when $backup_deleteold = false)
$backup_user = "root", # user file/cron
$backup_group = "root", # group file/cron
$backup_ensure = "present", # create or remove
$backup_name = $name, # name of transfer
$backup_mail = false, # send logs due mail
Optional values:
$backup_exclude_dir = ["dir1", "dir2"], # exclude directories (array)
$backup_comment = "my comment", # only a comment for you
$backup_mail_address = "[email protected]" # mail-adress for sending logs (if backup_mail = true)
1.0.0 2013-09-13 Release
1.1.0 2013-09-13 add backup_exlude_dir array for transfers
1.1.1 2014-09-28 format logfile for mail (line endings)
1.2.0 2014-12-01 add backup_exclude_dir array for backups
1.2.1 2016-02-18 check if rotate = 0
1.3.0 2016-06-18 optional delete old files, rotation time for backup target files
1.3.1 2016-06-20 fix directory creation
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Proud Sourcing GmbH 2016
www.proudsourcing.de / www.proudcommerce.com