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Merge pull request #22 from jhoneill/James_ONeill
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James oneill slides and support files
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SQLDBAWithABeard authored Jun 23, 2022
2 parents 8074fa1 + 80f489d commit 50b3b8d
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,103 additions and 0 deletions.
1,007 changes: 1,007 additions & 0 deletions James ONeill/Excel/Excel-Talk.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added James ONeill/Excel/PSCONFEU22_Excel.pptx
Binary file not shown.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions James ONeill/Excel/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Files From my "Management Readable format talk including a zipped version of the big data set
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions James ONeill/Excel/cupcake-ipsum.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet caramels caramels lollipop. Lollipop gummi-bears cheesecake pudding fruitcake candy-canes. Liquorice dragée halvah sweet ice-cream lollipop jelly soufflé. Sweet brownie ice-cream brownie cake macaroon pudding oat-cake pie. Cotton-candy apple-pie cookie pie cookie cookie cookie. Gummies chocolate lollipop icing oat-cake marshmallow cupcake cookie. Fruitcake croissant powder pudding cake caramels dragée sugar-plum. Toffee sweet tart cake. Cheesecake macaroon caramels. Topping fruitcake carrot cake lemon-drops dessert candy-canes. Chupa-chups liquorice biscuit cake. Fruitcake wafer icing tiramisu cheesecake gingerbread chocolate-bar pie.
Cotton-candy chocolate-bar marzipan topping macaroon. Cake gummi-bears oat-cake gingerbread danish candy-canes candy-canes bonbon. Topping sesame-snaps macaroon sweet jelly toffee lollipop gummi-bears fruitcake. Chocolate-bar chocolate-cake fruitcake dragée candy-canes. Sugar-plum muffin lemon-drops jelly. Jelly pudding fruitcake chocolate-cake sugar-plum jelly-beans dessert bonbon. Sesame-snaps soufflé marshmallow danish sesame-snaps. Jujubes biscuit jelly-o halvah gummies gummies lollipop donut. Cupcake marzipan gummi-bears cupcake candy-canes. Brownie topping toffee caramels jujubes fruitcake carrot cake dragée. Bear-claw croissant liquorice tart gummies bonbon. Wafer candy-canes soufflé bear-claw icing chocolate-cake dragée marzipan. Sweet jujubes macaroon oat-cake brownie bear-claw chocolate.
Pie gummi-bears bonbon muffin liquorice marzipan jelly-o toffee pudding. Sweet lollipop cake tiramisu lollipop pie chocolate-cake ice-cream pastry. Cupcake candy chocolate-bar. Liquorice marzipan bonbon apple-pie brownie powder brownie. Cotton-candy apple-pie halvah cake sugar-plum marshmallow. Ice-cream pudding chocolate-bar muffin gummies cookie tart donut. Macaroon jelly macaroon carrot cake candy pie brownie. Jujubes tart gingerbread donut. Sesame-snaps bonbon bonbon caramels dragée halvah powder dragée fruitcake. Candy lollipop pudding donut chocolate-cake ice-cream chocolate lollipop. Cake pastry brownie. Toffee jujubes liquorice marshmallow cotton-candy soufflé donut tiramisu. Croissant gummies cotton-candy. Cheesecake tart macaroon marzipan jelly-o sugar-plum.
Sweet roll gummi-bears soufflé danish halvah. Cupcake oat-cake candy. Chocolate-cake jelly macaroon. Biscuit chocolate-cake jelly fruitcake pastry powder. Pastry toffee muffin. Croissant pie jujubes. Oat-cake cheesecake lemon-drops gingerbread. Sesame-snaps oat-cake marshmallow bonbon chocolate-cake. Sesame-snaps marshmallow cookie lemon-drops ice-cream donut. Bonbon liquorice lollipop sweet roll. Chupa-chups macaroon oat-cake dragée jelly-o soufflé. Sweet cupcake dragée candy marzipan cotton-candy cake apple-pie bonbon. Oat-cake gingerbread gummies. Bonbon tootsie roll jelly-o tart jelly-o jujubes pastry.
Carrot cake oat-cake tiramisu chocolate-cake donut chocolate-bar jelly-beans biscuit dragée. Chocolate tart croissant cake marshmallow marzipan muffin toffee. Cupcake gingerbread jelly-o. Bear-claw gingerbread jelly-o sweet roll halvah. Sesame-snaps tootsie roll carrot cake topping tootsie roll brownie topping. Macaroon jelly soufflé marzipan apple-pie icing topping muffin. Bonbon icing jelly-beans topping biscuit. Ice-cream candy-canes muffin caramels topping cotton-candy. Gummi-bears halvah carrot cake. Jelly-o powder biscuit pastry gummi-bears cupcake. Fruitcake tiramisu gummi-bears candy-canes donut. Chupa-chups muffin cheesecake apple-pie. Candy marshmallow jelly-beans. Gummi-bears icing caramels ice-cream jelly-o soufflé icing cheesecake.
Donut sugar-plum chocolate soufflé cheesecake. Gummies muffin danish muffin danish pastry fruitcake sugar-plum sesame-snaps. Topping macaroon chocolate-cake apple-pie gingerbread. Topping chocolate-cake dragée tootsie roll. Croissant dessert gingerbread sugar-plum sugar-plum. Marzipan caramels chocolate-bar cheesecake dragée. Sugar-plum carrot cake jujubes brownie chocolate-cake. Icing pastry chocolate-bar oat-cake cupcake halvah. Toffee liquorice pudding pastry sugar-plum dessert toffee. Liquorice croissant topping bonbon marzipan. Brownie fruitcake icing cupcake dragée chupa-chups biscuit soufflé jelly-beans. Soufflé gummi-bears sesame-snaps marshmallow pudding sesame-snaps. Lollipop lemon-drops wafer croissant donut croissant carrot cake macaroon.
Dragée dessert halvah. Gingerbread chocolate-cake toffee tart chupa-chups gummies icing cheesecake cheesecake. Gummies candy-canes jujubes fruitcake. Pastry macaroon cotton-candy gummies pudding halvah pastry. Caramels biscuit icing tart wafer. Pie caramels bear-claw lollipop halvah gummi-bears dessert. Powder cotton-candy soufflé cookie tootsie roll halvah cheesecake cupcake cookie. Apple-pie apple-pie toffee biscuit pudding jelly-o brownie bear-claw pudding. Tiramisu chupa-chups muffin pie pudding gummies fruitcake cookie topping. Tiramisu tart candy marshmallow pudding. Jelly cake macaroon. Dessert cookie cheesecake cake bear-claw sweet marshmallow halvah toffee. Caramels soufflé cake.
Donut halvah pudding donut chocolate apple-pie candy-canes. Powder chupa-chups croissant croissant marzipan lollipop icing croissant croissant. Jelly-beans chocolate-bar cupcake candy. Gummi-bears cookie chupa-chups gingerbread cookie dessert. Soufflé tiramisu bonbon chocolate-cake. Sweet bear-claw tiramisu lemon-drops. Candy-canes croissant soufflé chupa-chups lemon-drops. Chupa-chups lemon-drops cake ice-cream. Jelly jujubes powder halvah soufflé marshmallow cheesecake marzipan marzipan. Dessert cake jelly cheesecake fruitcake cheesecake tiramisu. Donut cupcake bear-claw. Sesame-snaps tart biscuit.
Soufflé chupa-chups carrot cake bear-claw marshmallow caramels. Jelly-o cookie tiramisu cake bonbon pudding soufflé soufflé halvah. Gingerbread tiramisu sesame-snaps gummies cake cotton-candy. Jelly dragée pudding jelly brownie gummi-bears. Caramels halvah gingerbread bonbon icing pudding. Muffin fruitcake jujubes powder croissant soufflé caramels jelly sweet. Oat-cake gingerbread chocolate-cake marzipan cake caramels macaroon. Pie marzipan tiramisu. Lemon-drops bear-claw dragée wafer. Bear-claw lollipop cotton-candy macaroon carrot cake oat-cake fruitcake gummi-bears cake. Marzipan tart topping. Wafer cake cupcake cake marshmallow icing dragée tart bear-claw.
Cookie cotton-candy cake tiramisu liquorice ice-cream cheesecake cookie. Chupa-chups oat-cake ice-cream ice-cream. Gummies caramels dessert oat-cake lemon-drops gummies wafer chocolate. Oat-cake bonbon sesame-snaps cotton-candy fruitcake. Brownie wafer marzipan. Lemon-drops chocolate-bar cake cotton-candy. Candy cupcake bear-claw chocolate. Bonbon chocolate-bar sugar-plum sweet pudding. Fruitcake candy-canes jelly-o toffee candy pudding chocolate-cake jelly. Cookie soufflé jelly-o powder jujubes pastry fruitcake. Dragée candy marshmallow tootsie roll chupa-chups chupa-chups muffin sweet. Wafer soufflé brownie chocolate-bar. Ice-cream halvah muffin. Toffee jelly-beans candy-canes wafer cookie cheesecake cake biscuit dragée.
Liquorice chocolate-bar toffee cake cupcake sweet roll candy. Macaroon powder liquorice dessert sesame-snaps sesame-snaps gummies macaroon cheesecake. Tootsie roll sesame-snaps lollipop topping lollipop powder. Sugar-plum cupcake cake chocolate-bar marzipan bonbon tart candy. Gummi-bears fruitcake apple-pie candy lemon-drops cotton-candy marzipan caramels. Cake cookie toffee cookie jelly-o chocolate-cake halvah chocolate-bar wafer. Sugar-plum wafer tootsie roll cheesecake lemon-drops cookie biscuit. Pastry cotton-candy muffin sesame-snaps dessert liquorice carrot cake halvah wafer. Chupa-chups biscuit topping. Carrot cake lemon-drops cheesecake sweet. Chocolate-bar chocolate-cake macaroon tootsie roll jelly halvah sesame-snaps. Sugar-plum oat-cake caramels topping sweet roll. Soufflé biscuit icing cupcake. Gummi-bears fruitcake sweet topping cookie gummi-bears candy-canes.
Tart topping chupa-chups. Marzipan tootsie roll ice-cream dragée sweet powder topping. Croissant sweet cotton-candy biscuit danish. Cheesecake gingerbread topping powder cake sweet gummi-bears soufflé pie. Chocolate jujubes icing croissant. Bear-claw gummi-bears apple-pie cheesecake fruitcake macaroon sesame-snaps tootsie roll toffee. Sugar-plum chocolate-cake muffin lollipop cake lemon-drops pudding soufflé. Cheesecake cupcake dessert cake cotton-candy dragée. Chupa-chups cupcake pudding chocolate-cake muffin. Powder caramels dragée candy-canes pudding. Jelly apple-pie cotton-candy carrot cake. Powder brownie powder chocolate-bar soufflé cotton-candy. Cookie tootsie roll oat-cake icing powder carrot cake.
Cookie carrot cake candy jelly-o. Dessert croissant soufflé bonbon. Candy croissant carrot cake wafer gingerbread candy gummi-bears chupa-chups jelly. Cake croissant candy sweet. Sweet bonbon oat-cake muffin pie. Chocolate halvah bonbon. Dessert pastry tiramisu biscuit cupcake marshmallow chocolate. Cookie gummi-bears cupcake. Oat-cake apple-pie soufflé gummies gummi-bears. Gummies cookie jelly-o cotton-candy. Apple-pie biscuit sweet. Pie chocolate-bar danish cotton-candy.
Oat-cake sweet bonbon. Cookie lemon-drops wafer soufflé. Dragée bonbon marzipan. Chocolate-bar bonbon lollipop jelly apple-pie. Sweet roll chocolate wafer dessert. Sugar-plum candy liquorice marzipan jelly topping. Candy-canes jelly-beans chocolate-cake jelly-o jelly-beans jelly-beans jujubes chocolate-bar oat-cake. Tiramisu bear-claw pudding cotton-candy brownie chocolate-cake chupa-chups pastry. Sweet muffin toffee dragée croissant sweet roll macaroon dragée brownie. Jujubes marzipan brownie cotton-candy gingerbread ice-cream oat-cake. Oat-cake sweet roll ice-cream tootsie roll ice-cream candy dragée halvah. Fruitcake sweet roll cupcake sweet roll pie wafer jelly chupa-chups muffin. Candy fruitcake candy-canes. Lollipop bear-claw wafer muffin.
Pudding chupa-chups tart. Sugar-plum candy lollipop pie carrot cake candy-canes oat-cake pastry gummi-bears. Gummi-bears marzipan cheesecake macaroon apple-pie cupcake gummi-bears. Cotton-candy powder biscuit marshmallow chocolate-cake jelly wafer. Cake sugar-plum chocolate-bar croissant cotton-candy jujubes toffee. Lollipop jujubes jelly-o oat-cake carrot cake danish chupa-chups. Candy chupa-chups brownie oat-cake cotton-candy dragée marzipan jelly icing. Cake bonbon apple-pie fruitcake. Pie cotton-candy jelly-beans icing. Sweet gummies jelly-o dessert fruitcake. Marzipan soufflé soufflé sweet donut apple-pie cake apple-pie croissant. Dessert jujubes cheesecake chocolate liquorice dragée wafer sugar-plum. Icing bonbon chupa-chups dessert soufflé carrot cake pudding. Danish bear-claw cupcake croissant cotton-candy.
Apple-pie liquorice marshmallow sesame-snaps macaroon sugar-plum oat-cake donut apple-pie. Macaroon chocolate bonbon bonbon fruitcake bear-claw pudding macaroon sweet roll. Chocolate candy lollipop cookie jelly-beans donut biscuit. Wafer croissant powder icing cake jelly-beans macaroon soufflé. Oat-cake pastry lollipop dragée cake. Candy-canes biscuit pudding wafer halvah. Dessert ice-cream dessert tart sugar-plum toffee jelly-o. Danish croissant liquorice chocolate-bar croissant croissant bear-claw. Cupcake marshmallow oat-cake sesame-snaps croissant biscuit. Pudding jujubes brownie cake gingerbread marshmallow chocolate-cake. Candy bear-claw bear-claw jelly-beans topping chocolate-cake. Gummi-bears chocolate toffee gummies ice-cream. Lollipop sesame-snaps candy cake macaroon bonbon muffin donut. Fruitcake macaroon marzipan.
Toffee candy-canes pastry dragée oat-cake jelly-o tiramisu caramels. Muffin jelly-beans bonbon cotton-candy chocolate-cake dessert chocolate sugar-plum. Marshmallow icing dragée. Pudding chupa-chups sugar-plum fruitcake wafer cake macaroon. Gummi-bears gummi-bears bonbon cake oat-cake tootsie roll icing chupa-chups. Ice-cream fruitcake dessert ice-cream soufflé sugar-plum. Jelly powder wafer ice-cream. Dessert chupa-chups jujubes gingerbread soufflé. Soufflé chocolate-cake chocolate-cake. Jujubes bear-claw pastry caramels toffee soufflé tiramisu powder muffin. Brownie jelly chocolate-cake pastry lollipop sweet. Marzipan jujubes bonbon muffin. Icing bonbon jelly cake powder chocolate-cake chocolate-bar. Gummies chupa-chups pudding wafer bonbon gummies biscuit gummies tiramisu.
Sesame-snaps pastry pudding jelly cake apple-pie jelly gummi-bears chocolate-bar. Sesame-snaps cheesecake soufflé oat-cake dragée macaroon macaroon. Sesame-snaps cotton-candy chupa-chups gingerbread. Danish halvah tootsie roll sesame-snaps candy cake ice-cream. Cotton-candy jelly-beans tiramisu tiramisu cake liquorice. Tootsie roll donut bear-claw candy cake brownie liquorice carrot cake tootsie roll. Gingerbread gummies chupa-chups danish cotton-candy marshmallow croissant. Jelly-beans cotton-candy-candy canes donut oat-cake dragée macaroon. Bear-claw marshmallow soufflé cheesecake macaroon dragée gummi-bears bear-claw gummies. Chocolate-cake pie sugar-plum chocolate-cake cookie jelly-o gummi-bears jujubes. Pastry marshmallow bonbon gummi-bears sesame-snaps marzipan croissant donut jujubes. Icing cupcake fruitcake dragée lemon-drops carrot cake.
Powder icing sugar-plum macaroon. Muffin gummi-bears gummies chocolate-bar bonbon marzipan marzipan bonbon. Cookie dragée pastry tart donut bonbon. Sugar-plum icing sweet roll toffee. Bear-claw sweet brownie. Biscuit liquorice chocolate-bar marshmallow chocolate candy pastry. Chocolate pastry marshmallow sesame-snaps dessert gingerbread liquorice biscuit pudding. Cotton-candy chupa-chups topping jelly croissant jujubes gummi-bears dessert cookie. Macaroon sesame-snaps topping pudding cupcake gingerbread jelly-beans brownie jelly. Halvah jelly chocolate-bar. Caramels chocolate-bar pastry oat-cake jelly-o tootsie roll bonbon jujubes. Marzipan halvah cake.
Chocolate apple-pie lemon-drops marshmallow soufflé halvah cake cotton-candy sugar-plum. Bonbon cheesecake icing dessert cotton-candy-candy cake topping icing. Cheesecake liquorice dessert jelly-o halvah powder sweet roll. Gingerbread cheesecake fruitcake gummi-bears chupa-chups macaroon wafer tart. Gummi-bears wafer sweet roll candy marzipan cake icing soufflé toffee. Halvah croissant soufflé bear-claw ice-cream halvah pudding cupcake. Pie lollipop liquorice sweet. Jelly-beans sugar-plum soufflé marshmallow. Candy cookie chupa-chups tart bear-claw lemon-drops gummi-bears fruitcake. Sweet roll lollipop muffin sweet roll cake cheesecake chupa-chups tootsie roll cheesecake. Chocolate gingerbread topping soufflé caramels. Halvah danish halvah pudding halvah bonbon. Cotton-candy oat-cake powder caramels croissant jelly-o chocolate-cake tiramisu candy.
Binary file added James ONeill/Excel/
Binary file not shown.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions James ONeill/GraphPlusPlus/Demo_Main.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Get-Module | ForEach-Object {get-command -Module $_ -CommandType Cmdlet,Function} | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object count
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus

Get-Module | ForEach-Object {get-command -Module $_ -CommandType Cmdlet,Function} | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object count

#Select some users and put them in a new team. For my demo I pre-set value of department => group membership
$GroupName = 'Presenters'
$newProjectName = "Vienna"
Get-GraphUserList -Filter "Department eq '$GroupName'" -OutVariable users | Format-Table Organization
New-GraphTeam -Name $GroupName -Description "The $GroupName Department" -Visibility public -Members $users -OutVariable newTeam

Get-GraphTeam $newTeam -Drive -OutVariable teamdrive | Set-GraphHomeDrive ; $teamDrive
#later we will add a tab in teams for this drive

#special folder tab completes
Get-GraphDrive -SpecialFolder Documents
Get-GraphDrive /

#Send a local file to onedrive, and open it -use it for exporting in a moment.
Get-ChildItem $env:temp\Test*.xlsx -OutVariable files

#Destination tab completes - use General for preference
$files | Copy-ToGraphFolder -OutVariable item -Destination 'root:/General'

Start-Process $item.webUrl

#Leave the window open to see export happen - itempath tab completes - use the file from the previous -
Get-GraphUserList -MembersOnly | Select-Object Organization | Export-GraphWorkSheet -SheetName sheet1 -ItemPath 'root:/General/test.xlsx' -Show

#groups upgraded to teams have channels for the teams App
Get-GraphTeam $newTeam -Channels -OutVariable teamFirstChannel

$null = New-GraphChannelMessage -Channel $teamFirstChannel -Content "Please keep posts in 'General' to admin and questions about using the group. Use the wiki or OneNote for shared notes."

#create a New channel - with its own notebook section and a planner with 3 buckets & an initial task. Make them tabs in teams.
$newChannel = New-GraphChannel -Team $newTeam -Name $newProjectName -Description "For anything about project $newProjectName"
#The next commnd will fail - want to make a point about that!
$newTeamplan = New-GraphTeamPlan -Team $newTeam -PlanName $newProjectName
#The point to make: when you create a team yoy aren't added as a member and that stops you creating the planner so add (current user is in globalVar) and go again
Add-GraphTeamMember -Group $Newteam -Member $GraphUser
$newTeamplan = New-GraphTeamPlan -Team $newTeam -PlanName $newProjectName
Add-GraphPlanBucket -Plan $NewTeamplan -Name 'Backlog', 'To-Do','Not Doing'
Add-GraphPlanTask -Plan $newTeamplan -Title "Project $newProjectName Objectives" -Bucket "To-Do" -DueDate ([datetime]::Today.AddDays(7)) -AssignTo $users[-1].Mail

#Add Planner and one note to teams.
Add-GraphPlannerTab -TabLabel 'Planner' -Channel $newChannel -Plan $NewTeamplan | Out-Null

#Groups have a calendar - add a meeting and invite members
$pattern = New-GraphRecurrence -Type weekly -DaysOfWeek wednesday -NumberOfOccurrences 52
$attendees = ((Get-GraphTeam -Team $newTeam -Members) + (Get-GraphTeam -Team $newTeam -Owners ) )| New-GraphAttendee -AttendeeType optional
Add-GraphEvent -Team $newTeam -Subject "Midweek team lunch" -Attendees $attendees -Start ([datetime]::Today.AddHours(12)) -End ([datetime]::Today.AddHours(12)) -Recurrence $Pattern

Get-GraphTeam $newTeam -Notebooks -OutVariable teamnotebook
New-GraphOneNoteSection -Notebook $teamNotebook -SectionName $newProjectName -OutVariable NewSection
$NewSection | Set-GraphOneNoteHome
Add-GraphOneNotePage -HTMLPage "<html><head><title>Project $newProjectName</Title></head><body><p>A default home for your notes.</p></body></html>"
Add-GraphOneNoteTab -TabLabel 'Project Notebook' -Channel $newChannel -Notebook $Newsection

$teamDrive | Add-GraphSharePointTab -TabLabel "Team Drive" -Channel $NewChannel

Get-GraphTeam $newTeam -Site -OutVariable Site
$cols = 'AssignedTo', 'IssueStatus', 'TaskDueDate', 'V3Comments' | ForEach-Object {Get-GraphSiteColumn -Raw -name $_}
$cols += Get-GraphSiteColumn -Raw -Name 'priority' -ColumnGroup 'Core Task and Issue Columns'
$newlist = New-GraphList -Name "$newProjectName Issue Tracking" -Columns $cols -Site $site -Template genericList

Add-GraphListItem -List $newlist -Fields @{Title='Demo Item';IssueStatus='Active';Priority='(2) Normal';}

$newlist | Add-GraphSharePointTab -Channel $NewChannel

New-GraphChannelMessage -Channel $teamFirstChannel -Content "A new channel has been added for Project $newProjectName with its own planner, one note section and issues list on the team site. Take a look "

Start-Process $newlist.webUrl
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions James ONeill/GraphPlusPlus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Slides and demo script from my Graph ++ Talk

0 comments on commit 50b3b8d

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