- Go
- Sdkman to manage Java versions
# On macs install coreutils
brew install coreutils
brew install graphviz
# On macs go can be installed through homebrew
brew install [email protected]
# If using sdkman to manage Java versions
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
sdk env install
sdk env
# Copy the example .env.local file (used to override environment variables for local development)
cp docs/examples/.env.local .
# Copy the recommended vscode settings to your workspace config
cp .vscode/settings.recommended.json .vscode/settings.json
cp .vscode/launch.recommended.json .vscode/launch.json
If you are using direnv
(recommended), copy the example .envrc
cp docs/examples/.envrc .
direnv allow
direnv reload
# Make sure the correct version of language tooling is active before running any commands
sdk env use;
# show available makefile targets
make help;
# Install project dependencies (installs dependencies and tools)
make deps.install;
# Fetch devstack containers
make devstack.pull;
# Run code verification (static analysis, linting etc)
make verify;
# Verify code using static analysis tools and automatically apply fixes when possible
make verify.fix;
# Run all code generation
make codegen;
# Run unit tests
make test.unit;
# Start local devstack dependencies (Postgres and PgAdmin)
make devstack.start;
# Run tests (some tests rely on having the DB running)
make test.integration.blackbox;
At this point you should have a development version of this API project running 🎉
You can stop or recreate the devstack using the following commands
# Stop shutdown the containers running as part of the devstack
make devstack.stop
# Delete/reset the devstack, removes all the containers, volumes etc of the compose stack
make devstack.clean