Maven archetype for the grinder. Includes grinder-scala for scala 2.9.2 dependecies.
git clone https://github.com/pshemass/grinder-scala-archetype.git
mvn install
###Created project structure
| Maven project directory |
| -----
|---| src |
| ----------
|---| assembly |
| ----------
| |
| | ---------
| |---| scripts |
| ---------
| |
| | ---------
| |---| windows |
| | ---------
| | |
| | |--- setup-classpath.cmd
| | |
| | |--- startAgent.cmd
| | |
| | |--- startConsole.cmd
| |
| | ------
| |---| unix |
| | ------
| | |
| | |--- setup-classpath.sh
| | |
| | |--- startAgent.sh
| |
| |--- assembly.xml
| ------
|---| main |
| -----------
|---| resources |
|--- grinder.properties
|--- sample.scala
###Commands available in project created from this archetype
When project is created from this archetype you can start Console by
mvn -P Console exec:java
to start Agent use
mvn -P Agent exec:exec
to create zip package with all dependecies and scripts ready to deploy on remote servers use
mvn assembly:assembly