Project for Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program
You will be provided visual assets and a game loop engine; using these tools you must add a number of entities to the game including the player characters and enemies to recreate the classic arcade game Frogger.
Games have a lot of objects and those objects do a lot of different things; but sometimes they do some very similar things as well. This creates a great opportunity to practice object-oriented programming, an important programming paradigm that influences your application architecture and provides performance optimization.
Games have a lot of objects and those objects do a lot of different things; but sometimes they do some very similar things as well. This creates a great opportunity to practice object-oriented programming, an important programming paradigm that influences your application architecture and provides performance optimization.
- To run the game, open
in a web browser. - In this game you have a Player and Enemies (Bugs). The goal of the player is to reach the water, without colliding into any one of the enemies. The player can move left, right, up and down (using the arrow keys on your keyboard). The enemies move in varying speeds on the paved block portion of the scene. Once a the player collides with an enemy, the game is reset and the player moves back to the start square. Once the player reaches the water the game is won.
- Udacity Webinar Series (playlist of 6 videos)
- Arcade Game Walkthrough by Matthew Cranford: