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Task Planning Module for Sharework

This repository contains a ROSjava package enriching ROS with task planning and execution services. The module has been specifically designed for Human-Robot Collaboration with the objective of synthesizing flexible and reliable collaboration through timeline-based planning technologies [1].


The package has been developed and tested for ROS Melodic distribution on Ubunut 18.04. It requires a ROSJava workspace for correct execution and generation of the Java artifacts needed for custom messages and installed Java software.

We recommend the use of Java 8 since other higher or lower versions of Java may have some dependency issues with rosjava. Alternative versions of Java can be installed using the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

In addition, the package requires an installed locally running instance of MongoDB server (the current package has been developed and tested using MongDB Cumminuty Server v.4.4.5).

ROSJava Workspace Configuration

Create an empty workspace.

mkdir -p ~/ws/src
cd ~/ws

Here are the instructions for downloading and building ROSJava from source (recommended). Please refer to the official ROSJava Wiki for further details about installation and availabe distributions.

wstool init -j4 ~/ws/src
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
cd ~/ws
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src -i -y

Note that one of the dependecies of rosjava_messages package is world_canvas_msgs which is not supported by ROS Melodic. To successfully build rosjava thus remove this dependency by editing the file package.xml of rosjava_messages and commenting the following line


ROXANNE Installation

Planning and execution capabilities of the module relies on ROXANNE which is an open-source package enriching ROS with timeline-based planning and execution functionalities [1]. ROXANNE specifically encapsulates the PLATINUm framework [2] which has been successfully applied in Human-Robot Collaboration scenarios [3,4].

ROXANNE is a available as ROSJava package and can be easily installed by cloning the repository into the prepared ROSJava workspace. Clone the roxanne_rosjava_msgs package into the workspace in order to define the custom messages necessary to interact with a generic ROXANNE acting node.

cd ~/ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash

Install the ROXANNE framework by cloning into the workspace in order to "install" core software library that can be extended to realize specific (timeline-based) planning and execution instances as well as instantiate the generic ROXANNE acting node.

cd ~/ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash

To corectly install ROXANNE it is necessary to configure gradle with a github personal access token in order to download the last version of PLATINum that is available as Github package. Create a file into roxanne_rosjava with the following attributes:


Refer to the ROXANNE repository for further details and examples of usage to check the correct installation.

Package Preparation

Once that a ROSJava workspace has been successfully configured and that ROXANNE has been correctly installed everything is ready for the installation of the sharework_taskplanner package.

First, it is necessary to install the package task_planner_interface_msgs defining custom messages and services that allow the task planner to correctly interact with other Sharework modules. This package is available on GitHub ( and can be installed into the workspace through the following commands:

cd ~/ws/src
git clone
cd ~/ws
source devel/setup.bash

It is possible to verify the successful built of the package by checking defined custom messages service through rosmsg show. For example the following commands

cd ~/ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosmsg show task_planner_interface_msgs/TaskPlanningRequest

should give the following output which describes the message used to send task planning request to the module throug the topic sharework/taskplanner/goal.

int64 requestId
string component
string goal
int64[] start
int64[] end
int64[] duration

Bulding the Package

At this point install the sharework_taskplanner package into the ROSJava workspace by cloning and installing the current repository.

cd ~/ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash

As done for ROXANNE, create a file into sharework_taskplanner with the GitHub personal access token.


To finalize the installation then define the environment variable PLATINUM_HOME in order to point to the folder containing the installed package. Since ROXANNE encapsulate PLATINUm as core timeline-based representation and solving engine, this variable is necessary to tell the framework where configuration files would be found (see the files under the etc folder of the package).

export SHAREWORK_WS=<path-to-the-workspace>
export PLATINUM_HOME=$SHAREWORK_WS/src/sharework_taskplanner

The above line of code can be added to the .bashrc file to automatically export the environment variable when the terminal is open.

IMPORTANT: Carefully check the files agent*.properties under the folder etc and verify the correctness of specified paths with respect to your filesystem

Package Usage

If the the installation and configuration of the sharework_taskplanner package has been successfully done then it should be possible to run the developed goal-oriented acting node into ROS.

First open a terminal and start core ROS nodes using roscore.

Then, open a different terminal and launch the acting node as follows:

cd ~/ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun sharework_taskplanner taskplanner com.github.sharework_taskplanner.taskplanner.acting.ActingNode

At this point the service is running and can be called to load planning models and send task planning requests. As an example consider the following commands to be executed on a third terminal. The commands load one of the timeline-based models availabine under the folder domains/sharework of the package and send a task planning request through the input topic sharework/taskplanner/goal.

cd ~/ws
source devel/setup.bash
rosservice call /sharework/taskplanner/configuration "configFilePath: '<absolute-path-to-workspace>/src/sharework_taskplanner/etc/'"

Then, send a task planning and execution request as follows:

rostopic pub --once /sharework/taskplanner/goal task_planner_interface_msgs/TaskPlanningRequest "requestId: 0
component: 'Goal'
goal: 'cembre_goal'
parameters: []
start: [0, 1000]
end: [0, 1000]
duration: [1, 1000]" 

The frist call load the specified file properties to intialize the acting node with a timeline-based specification defined for one of the case studies of the project. This call uses the ROXANNE configuration service ActingConfigurationService.srv to parametrize the information needed to start (domain independent) timeline-based planning and execution processes. Please note that the file path specified into the "load request" should be absolute.

Once the acting node is correctly initialized the underlying goal-oriented process starts listening messages on the topic specified into the deployment file (see the file etc/platform/sharework/platform_cembre.xml as an example for the scenario CEMBRE). The second call thus publishes a task planning request on the input topic /sharework/taskplanner/goal to trigger the deliberative process and concretely synthesize and execute a collaborative plan.

To correctly run the above example please check the file and set vald paths for the attributes model and platform_config_file.


[1] Cialdea Mayer, M., Orlandini, A., Umbrico, A. "Planning and execution with flexible timelines: a formal account". Acta Informatica. Volume 53. 2016. Pages 649–680.

[2] Umbrico A., Cesta A., Cialdea Mayer M., Orlandini A. "PLATINUm: A New Framework for Planning and Acting". In: Esposito F., Basili R., Ferilli S., Lisi F. (eds) AIIA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AIIA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 10640. 2017.

[3] M. Faroni, Beschi M., Ghidini S., Pedrocchi N., Umbrico A., Orlandini A., Cesta A. "A Layered Control Approach to Human-Aware Task and Motion Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration". 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). 2020. Pages 1204-1210.

[4] Pellegrinelli S., Orlandini A., Pedrocchi N., Umbrico A., Tolio T. "Motion planning and scheduling for human and industrial-robot collaboration". CIRP Annals. Volume 66, Issue 1. 2017. Pages 1-4.


Sharework Task Planner Module






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