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Lifecycle: stable tarflow.iquizoo status badge R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage

The goal of tarflow.iquizoo is to provide workflow auto-generation for IQUIZOO data powered by targets package.


The preprocessing of IQUIZOO data used to be very laborious because the datasets were very disorganized. Newer version of database and games make things much better. Now there is a package called preproc.iquizoo, containing all the required functions used in preprocessing. It facilitates analysis significantly. For now, with the advent of targets, we can easily setup workflows to automate all the preprocessing! This is what this package does. Hopefully, it will make the analysis of IQUIZOO data a favorable thing.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Or you can install the stable version from psychelzh’s R-universe with:

install.packages("tarflow.iquizoo", repos = c(getOption("repos"), ""))


This simplest way to use this package is to call tarflow.iquizoo::use_targets_pipeline() to generate a {targets} pipeline. After some basic parameters edit (follow the generated script), then you can run the pipeline by executing targets::tar_make() in R console. The pipeline will be executed in parallel by default.