OpenLambda is an Apache-licensed serverless computing project, written (mostly) in Go and based on Linux containers. The primary goal of OpenLambda is to enable exploration of new approaches to serverless computing. We hope to eventually make it suitable for use in production as well.
The main system implemented so far is a single-node OpenLambda worker that can take HTTP requests and invoke lambdas locally to compute responses.
You can read more about the OpenLambda worker here or just get started by deploying a worker.
We are currently working on a cluster mode, where a pool of VMs running the worker service are managed by a centralized OpenLambda boss. With a bit of work, you could also manually deploy workers yourself and put an HTTP load balancer in front of them.
- SOCK: Rapid Task Provisioning with Serverless-Optimized Containers by Oakes et al. (ATC '18)
- Pipsqueak: Lean Lambdas with Large Libraries by Oakes et al. (ICDCSW '17)
- Serverless Computation with OpenLambda by Hendrickson et al. (;login '16)
- Serverless Computation with OpenLambda by Hendrickson et al. (HotCloud '16)
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the file for details.